Monday, October 1 18:00 2018 PDT (UTC-7)
Recorded, edited, and formatted by David "Melchyor" Meyer
You find yourself in an immense underwater dome composed of transparent, curved geodesics. All around you the dark water is penetrated by strong lightbeams that illuminate a fantastic underwater scene.
The semi-opaque green beams of the BayMOO City Hall tower over you, the tip of its central pediment touching the upper curve of the Aquatic Dome.
Obvious exits: GUEST to Guest Login Antechamber, NET to NetSpace, OTHER to Other Worlds, BAY to The Bay Area, HALL to BayMOO City Hall, HELPDESK to Help-Desk, MESSAGE to Guest Message Chamber, and Park to BayMOO Park
You see BayMOO Fountain, Birthday Machine, WarpTour, WORD ROOM TOUR, Ad for The Hotel California, and Icharus here.
cat, Samba, Jed, berger, Rk, Storms, shrimp, Blade_Runner, and Cabal (We're in a room without a door) are here.
Melchyor starts logging himself, just in case.
A team of four magnificent white horses appears with a lovely purple carriage behind them.
You say, "Though I apologize to everyone in advance if I have to leave early."
Cabal (You are what you should fear) might not make it all night either.
cat says, "How long is this planned for?"
Shenka appears after exiting carriage.
Rk waves at Shenka.
berger consults the manual for Generic Video Camera.
shrimp hugs Shenka
Shenka waves.
berger drops camera.
berger turns on camera to begin recording. . .
Suddenly the room is filled with green light. A glowing orb hangs before your eyes. The light fades as the orb forms into Sirius (woohoo).
Melchyor waves to sirius.
Sirius (woohoo) waves.
shrimp waves back
Rk says, "the old people are starting to doze off"
shrimp pokes RK
Sirius (woohoo) laughs!
Cabal says, "I'm mostly awake"
Sirius just looked you over.
shrimp is doing her best
Dr.J suddenly appears out of nowhere.
Dr.J says, "ok!"
Dr.J says, "I think we're ready!"
Sirius (woohoo) claps wildly!
cat says, "Yay!"
Dr.J says, "I guess I should make some sort of speech here first."
Melchyor applauds politely.
Rk gives Dr.J a pat on the head.
Shenka exclaims, "woot!"
Samba golf claps
Dr.J says, "It's strange to think that I can actually remember a time 25 years ago."
Dr.J says, "But in fact, I remember this night, 25 years ago, very very well."
Dr.J says, "I had just turned 17 about a month earlier and I had stumbled onto BayMOO by accident. Completely by accident."
Dr.J says, "I was on my new ISP shell server when I typed 'w'"
Dr.J says, "That let me see who was doing what. There were 25 other people logged on at that time, and one of them was running this command:"
Dr.J says, "telnet mud 8888"
Dr.J says, "that made me curious. so I typed it myself."
Dr.J says, "that was probably August 20th or so, 1993."
Samba says, "That is exactly how I found BayMoo too."
Dr.J says, "When I logged on I didn't know how to talk or move. I got very frustrated when the text started scrolling by. It looked like maybe someone was... talking to me? a 'Yeroc'?"
Shenka supposes, "from sfsu?"
Samba says, "There was no Google, no seach lists. You spied on other sevver users to see what they were doing."
Dr.J whispers, ""
Dr.J says, "It was Yeroc talking to me, he finally got around to telling me how to talk"
Shenka exclaims, "oh yeah!"
cat remembers many confused guests quite fondly.
Dr.J says, "I asked for a character, but he said they weren't making characters yet. I could log on as a guest, but I'd have to wait until October 1 to get one."
Sirius (woohoo) smiles.
Dr.J says, "So I spent nearly a month fooling around as a guest."
Rk says, "tat's how I because Roadkill -- because I knew nothing and felt hit by a bus"
Dr.J says, "And then, two minutes after 7pm on October 1, I got an e-mail. And then I logged on."
Dr.J says, "So many other things happened. I got my first job (through bayMOO)"
Dr.J says, "and my second job, and went somewhere else, and came back.."
Dr.J says, "BayMOO made _me_ who I am today."
Dr.J says, "but enough about me."
Dr.J says, "let's go to the theater!"
PathFinder suddenly appears out of nowhere.
Sirius (woohoo) claps wildly!
Rk applauds Dr.J.
cat cheers!
Dr.J says, "There will be another movie there."
Cabal (This is your skeleton) claps wildly!
Melchyor applauds enthusiastically.
berger claps enthusiastically.
Dr.J fumbles about for a map.
Dr.J says, "I guess just... um, follow?"
Dr.J leaves for the NET.
Rk leaves for the NET.
Shenka disappears into carriage.
cat leaves for the NET.
You find yourself in a black and white space of constantly shifting zeros and ones. The effect is disorienting; but in the flux of the chaos you see flashing LED markers that read:
Obvious exits: DOME to THE AQUATIC DOME, GOPHER to Gopherspace, THEATER to CRL Theater, LOCKER to Davey Jones Locker, TV to BayMOO-TV Studio, ASCII to ascii atelier, FRENGLISH to Frenglish, HOMONYMS to House of Homonyms, IMPROV to Improv, CAFE to CoffeeHaus, MOOvie to BayMOOvie Big Screens, FUNDAO to Fundao, GAME to The Game Room, south to -Word St. North-, LOUNGE to Virtual Ham Central, ZOO to BayMOO Zoo, and COMMONS to Netspace Commons Hub
You see Charybdis and The Public MOO Bus here.
Dr.J, Rk, and cat are here.
The Public MOO Bus heads off for The Game Room.
Dr.J leaves for the MOOvie.
cat leaves for the MOOvie.
Rk leaves for the MOOvie.
berger has arrived.
Cabal (Deep down inside you're afraid) has arrived.
Your are standing outside the BayMOOvie Big Screens Mega-Theater Complex.
A neon sign the size of a city block towers above you. Paragraphs of black, square marquee letters list, on closer inspection, hundreds of movie titles, presumably all concurrently showing on hundreds of screens just inside.
In front of you stands an impossibly small glass-walled ticket booth. No one is inside, and the ticket window appears to be blocked off with plywood.
You see a sign: OPEN!
Dr.J, Sirius, cat, and Rk are standing here.
You see Ticket Booth and Bud here.
Obvious exits: Net to NetSpace and In to Lobby
Dr.J asks, "hrm, 'buy ticket'?"
berger has arrived.
Rk walks up to the ticket booth and asks to buy a ticket.
Cabal (The Dominator) has arrived.
Icharus has arrived.
Bud puts out his hand, awaiting Rk's money
Dr.J goes In.
Rk fumbles around for some money
Rk gives Bud a High Five!
Bud pushes a button..a whirl of the machine..and Bud hands Rk a ticket.
Your are standing outside the BayMOOvie Big Screens Mega-Theater Complex.
A neon sign the size of a city block towers above you. Paragraphs of black, square marquee letters list, on closer inspection, hundreds of movie titles, presumably all concurrently showing on hundreds of screens just inside.
In front of you stands an impossibly small glass-walled ticket booth. No one is inside, and the ticket window appears to be blocked off with plywood.
You see a sign: OPEN!
Sirius, cat, Rk, berger, and Cabal are standing here.
You see Ticket Booth, Bud, and Icharus here.
Obvious exits: Net to NetSpace and In to Lobby
Rk goes In.
cat walks up to the ticket booth and asks to buy a ticket.
Bud puts out his hand, awaiting cat's money
Dr.J shouts, "From the DOME: NET->MOOVIE->buy ticket->IN->NORTH"
This is the lobby of the BayMOOvie Big Screens.
Obvious exits: north to Theater, east to Control Room, west to Restroom, and out to BayMOOvie Big Screens
You see Popcorn Machine and Betty Sue here.
PathFinder is here.
The large spacious theater is dark right now because of the MOOvie.
The theater contains 10 rows. To see a list of the people sitting in them, type: `rows'. To sit in a specific row, type: 'sit row
To keep the noise down only the people in the same row can hear you speak. Unless you carelessly choose to `shout'.
Obvious exits: out to Lobby
You see Curtain (Open) here.
Dr.J and Rk are here.
The Theater Manager strolls down the aisle and stops at Melchyor and asks him to please go back outside and buy a ticket.
PathFinder has arrived.
Dr.J says, "I have to go to the booth"
You say, "oops"
This is the lobby of the BayMOOvie Big Screens.
Obvious exits: north to Theater, east to Control Room, west to Restroom, and out to BayMOOvie Big Screens
You see Popcorn Machine and Betty Sue here.
Dr.J has arrived.
Your are standing outside the BayMOOvie Big Screens Mega-Theater Complex.
A neon sign the size of a city block towers above you. Paragraphs of black, square marquee letters list, on closer inspection, hundreds of movie titles, presumably all concurrently showing on hundreds of screens just inside.
In front of you stands an impossibly small glass-walled ticket booth. No one is inside, and the ticket window appears to be blocked off with plywood.
You see a sign: OPEN!
Sirius, cat, berger, and Cabal are standing here.
You see Ticket Booth, Bud, and Icharus here.
Obvious exits: Net to NetSpace and In to Lobby
Sirius fumbles around for some money
cat goes In.
berger fumbles around for some money
Sirius gives Bud a High Five!
berger does a card trick for Bud.
Bud pushes a button..a whirl of the machine..and Bud hands Sirius a ticket.
Bud pushes a button..a whirl of the machine..and Bud hands berger a ticket.
berger goes In.
Melchyor walks up to the ticket booth and asks to buy a ticket.
Bud puts out his hand, awaiting Melchyor's money
Bud says, that will be $1.00 please.
Melchyor fumbles around for some money
Realizing you haven't got $1.00 you make do with what you have.
Melchyor sets up to arm wrestle Bud for a ticket.
Dr.J shouts, "OR JOIN @RK"
Bud looks at you funny and then begins to smile.
Here ya go, says, Bud.
Bud pushes a button..a whirl of the machine..and Bud hands Melchyor a ticket.
[You have been handed a ticket.]
Sirius (woohoo) turns back into a green light which forms a beam to Theater.
This is the lobby of the BayMOOvie Big Screens.
Obvious exits: north to Theater, east to Control Room, west to Restroom, and out to BayMOOvie Big Screens
You see Popcorn Machine and Betty Sue here.
The large spacious theater is dark right now because of the MOOvie.
The theater contains 10 rows. To see a list of the people sitting in them, type: `rows'. To sit in a specific row, type: 'sit row
To keep the noise down only the people in the same row can hear you speak. Unless you carelessly choose to `shout'.
Obvious exits: out to Lobby
You see Curtain (Open) here.
Rk, PathFinder, Sirius (woohoo), berger, and cat are here.
berger drops camera.
You sit down in row 3.
PathFinder sits down in row 5.
PathFinder sits down in row 3.
Sirius (woohoo)
There is a blinding light and puff of smoke, when it clears you see Blade_Runner
A team of four magnificent white horses appears with a lovely purple carriage behind them.
Dr.J has arrived.
Dr.J says, "just waiting for stragglers here"
Blade_Runner waves.
Shenka appears after exiting carriage.
Dr.J welcomes Shenka.
(Row 3) Melchyor starts humming 'This is the Greatest Show'.
Sirius (woohoo) hugs Blade_Runner.
shrimp appears after exiting carriage.
Dr.J says, "yay!"
Dr.J says, "ok, I scripted a little silly something here."
Shenka expostulates, "had to arrive in style ;)"
shrimp says, "ppppppppppfffffft"
Dr.J says, "I guess we can all sit in row 1?"
Dr.J says, "sit row 1"
Dr.J sits down in row 1.
You sit down in row 1.
cat sits down in row 1.
shrimp sits down in row 1.
Sirius sits down in row 1.
berger sits down in row 1.
PathFinder sits down in row 1.
Shenka sits down in row 1.
(Row 1) shrimp says, "woot Psyche"
Blade_Runner sits down in row 1.
Psyche runs up to you, smiling her excitement at seein' her friend!
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "psyche: sit row 1"
(Row 1) Melchyor accidently showers cat with popcorn when Blad Runner jostles him.
Rk sits down in row 1.
Shenka gives Psyche a warm hug.
(Row 1) shrimp hugs Psyche
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "ok ok, let me hitthe remote start here. Ihope this works"
(Row 1) cat ack! "Now I'm covered in butter!"
* [ An empty door frame opening into an otherwise dark hallway lit
Psyche gives Shenka a warm hug.
* by regular sweeps of a red strobe light. A klaxon reverberates
* loudly in the background. ]
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "oh no, this won't do."
* [ A figure runs past the door. Seconds later he reemerges, at
(Row 1) Blade_Runner grins from ear to ear.
(Row 1) Dr.J stops Projector
Dr.J goes out.
Psyche gives PathFinder a warm hug.
PathFinder gives Psyche a warm hug.
You say, "Was that Dr.J's porno?"
(Row 1) berger says, "Guy waits 25 years for Rickrolling to be invented, then goofs it up at the eleventh hour..."
Psyche sits down in row 1.
(Row 1) shrimp giggles
(Row 1) Melchyor sings, "Never going to give you up..."
AngelToes suddenly appears out of nowhere.
nutmeg [Guest] appears suddenly in a puff of thick San Francisco fog, the reassembling atoms glancing and flaring. nutmeg [Guest] looks about wildly, stumbles, and then orients itself.
Dr.J shouts, "hold on! gotta reset blast pw"
nutmeg [Guest] says, "what'd I miss?"
You say, "J's speech."
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "perfect timing nutmeg "
(Row 1) shrimp agrees
(Row 1) cat says, "You just missed the previews of upcoming attractions and the flying popcorn"
nutmeg [Guest] sits down in row 1.
(Row 1) Psyche can't remember commands...
AngelToes says, "ugh"
(Row 1) nutmeg [Guest] says, "what're we watching?"
AngelToes says, "trying to remeber commands!"
You say, "Welcome to the club, Psyche."
(Row 1) nutmeg [Guest] says, "I wish I remembered my password, etc"
You say, "... and AngelT."
(Row 1) Rk says, "J is trying to get something going"
AngelToes disappears suddenly, heading for the remote regions of BayMOO.
Dr.J has arrived.
(Row 1) Melchyor sings, 'It's everything you ever want, everything you ever need, and it's here in front of you. This is where you want to be!'
(Row 1) berger says, "refaced with a lecture on remedial MOO'ing..."
(Row 1) nutmeg [Guest] grins
blast appears with his Ant Farm. He is wearing a shirt that has large prime numbers all over it and it reads THERE IS SAFETY IN LARGE NUMBERS!
(Row 1) shrimp giggles at berger
(Row 1) Melchyor gives berger a 'p'.
(Row 1) Shenka waves.
Dr.J says, "sit row 1 "
Dr.J sits down in row 1.
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "oh ok"
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "err oh oh"
(Row 1) berger graciously accepts the missing 'p'.
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "pass the popcorn!"
(Row 1) shrimp thinks row 1 is awfully ,long
(Row 1) cat ducks.
(Row 1) shrimp moves to row 2
Sirius (woohoo) hugs blast.
(Row 1) Psyche laughs
blast sits down in row 1.
(Row 1) Melchyor passes popcorn to PathFinder, spilling more on cat.
(Row 1) shrimp says, "hey blast :)"
* [ An empty door frame opening into an otherwise dark hallway lit
* by regular sweeps of a red strobe light. A klaxon reverberates
* loudly in the background. ]
* [ A figure runs past the door. Seconds later he reemerges, at
* first merely leaning into the opening curiously, then
* determinedly entering it as though it was his ultimate
* destination after all. ]
* Hello!
* [ The man closes door and leans heavily against it. The klaxon
* is now notably quieter, but smoke begins seeping slowly around
* the entire door frame. ]
* I'm Dr.J, one of the janitors who keeps things running here at
* BayMOO.
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "thnks, Men@hi"
* [ Pan Dr.J ]
(Row 1) blast says, "aloha all"
* I'm filming before you today to mark a truly momentous occasion.
* According to our records, BayMOO was first booted up at 7:28:52
* AM, Pacific Daylight Time, on August 18, 1993.
* But it took over a month of quiet work to build the MOO up to
* its basic form and it was on October 1, 1993 that BayMOO
* officially opened to the public.
* That makes today, October 1, 2018, BayMOO's official 25th
* birthday.
(Row 1) Dr.J CHEERS!
(Row 1) cat says, "YAY!"
(Row 1) shrimp CHEERS!
* [ As Dr.J's stance against the door has slowly been relaxing, a
* purple tentacle has wriggled through a crack. Just now it bumps
* the glasses off of his face. ]
You say, "Huzzah!"
* [ Dr.J calmly holds up one finger in a gesture of politeness,
* pulls out a hammer from within his tunic, and then turns to
* attacking first the tentacle and then the door, until it firmly
* closes with a quiet "click". ]
* [ He picks up his glasses, wipes them off, and places them back
* on his face. He begins strolling deeper into the room. ]
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "Woot!"
* 25 years is a long time when it comes to just about any human
* endevour, but it is an especially long time for anyone living in
* the Information age, and it is a genuine Geologic Epoch when it
* comes to an Internet site such as BayMOO.
* Consider this. When BayMOO first opened there was no World Wide
* Web as we know it today.
* If someone told you that they had a "smart phone" you would
* probably have imagined it as brightly colored desk unit with
* straight, stylish lines and no curves.
* "Google" would have been considered a misspelling of the silly
* mathematical term "googol", and, if you had $35, you could have
* bought the domain name yourself from Network Solutions.
* But to do so you would have had to written a check and mailed in
* a form in via U.S. Postal Service, which meant gluing a "stamp"
* on an "envelope" and dropping it in a "mail box".
* In 1993 the Internet backbone ran at one megabit per second.
* That speed is one hundred times slower than the average in-house
* WiFi connection today, and just barely fast enough for one
* person to listen to an uncompressed CD-quality audio stream.
(Row 1) cat misses mail boxes...
(Row 1) blast says, "so humbled"
* If you were on the Internet at that time you were likely either
* sitting in a computer lab at a univeristy or you were at home,
* connected via a dial-up modem running at 14 kilobits per second.
* If you wanted to see an on-line image the mere size of one of
* today's modern desktop icons, you would have had to spend
* several minutes just downloading it.
* But within these now impossible-seeming constraints you could do
* wonderful things, especially if you had an imagination and could
* write simple prose.
* And that's exactly what six people -- avid fans of MIT's
* MediaMOO and LambdaMOO -- did in 1993 when they decided to
* create a MOO of their own. We know them today as Blast, bookish,
* Orion, TeknoTroll, Yea, and Yeroc.
Inanna joins you, looking around. Inanna looks about,
(Row 1) Dr.J cheers Blast!
* But MOOs are collaborative spaces, so it is unfair to single out
* these five visionaries as the creators of all of what BayMOO
* became. With the help of thousands of other people, BayMOO
* became much larger and richer than they ever could imagine.
(Row 1) Dr.J cannot count. Shhh!
* [ Dr.J arrives at a projection screen. ]
* As virtual as BayMOO is, however, it has been home to some very
* real events. It has hosted a wedding.
You say, "Yay, blast!"
* [ A scene plays on the screen. The camera zooms in, filling the full frame.
* #7976 @ Zsido [Guest] [to bailey]..tic tac toe -- Beavis says, "THIS" ]
* It has hosted a funeral.
* [ #12648 @ "Rk is looking at the From Ana..."-"Nancy lights a candle "]
* It has even hosted the band Aerosmith as they held a remarkably
* pace-setting chat session with their fans in late 1994.
* But I didn't have time to edit those together. Maybe I'll have
* it ready in five years.
* [ There is a loud BOOM. Dr.J looks startled and freezes in
* place. ]
* [ A purple monster with uncountable tentacles enters the frame.
* With one set of tentacles he appears to be holding a box
* with wisps of fog pouring over the sides. ]
* [ In the monster's other tentacle is a paper party noisemaker.
* He blows through the horn. It's the Klaxon! ]
* [ The monster places another tentacle around Dr.J's shoulders.
* He speaks. ]
Inanna grins.
Inanna claps her hands.
* *** finis ***
(Row 1) Melchyor applauds wildly.
(Row 1) shrimp says, "YAY!!"
(Row 1) Psyche claps and cheers!
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "gotta change the tape."
(Row 1) Shenka claps her hands.
(Row 1) berger applauds. "Bravo!"
(Row 1) cat says, "Woot!"
(Row 1) Melchyor stands for an ovation.
(Row 1) blast says, "i miss you all "
(Row 1) PathFinder claps his hands.
(Row 1) PathFinder cheers.
(Row 1) Psyche Cheers.
Dr.J goes out.
Dr.J has arrived.
Dr.J goes out.
(Row 1) nutmeg [Guest] says, "holy cow... haven't been here in EONS"
(Row 1) nutmeg [Guest] says, "you all look a bit more... gray"
Dr.J has arrived.
(Row 1) shrimp giggles
Dr.J sits down in row 1.
* ***************************************************************
* The following feature has been rated (M)OOrific! by the MOOtion
* Picture Association of BayMOO. Suitable for ALL AUDIENCES.
* ***************************************************************
* Andreamer says, "I'm here with Roadkill, one of the creators of the new BayMOO Theater."
(Row 1) nutmeg [Guest] claps again
* Andreamer asks, "Roadkill, can you tell us where you got this idea?"
Samba appears suddenly in a puff of thick San Francisco fog, looking dazed. Samba looks about wildly, stumbles, and then orients himself.
* Roadkill says, "sure"
You say, "Check your ANSI settings, nutmeg."
* Roadkill says, "I was talking with blast and he thought it would be cool to have a MOOvie Theater"
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "Samba, sit row 1"
* Roadkill says, "so, Storms and I started"
* The camera zooms in on Roadkill as he talks.
* Roadkill is wearing a baggy white shirt with a red tie and a pair of dark blue Levi Dockers. `How professional,' you think. Please don't be suprised if he asks you if you need a room in the Hotel California. Roadkill loves to meet different people and loves to talk. As you look at him, he says: Would you be interested in a room in the Hotel California? (See I warned you) He also adds: If you have any question, comment, suggestion, and/or gripe about the Hotel, please send mail to *Hotel
(Row 1) Dr.J laughs.
* Roadkill says, "Since blast wanted the Theater, we have picked his favorite movie to be the first MOOvie here."
* Andreamer asks, "And what movie is that?"
(Row 1) blast says, "and how things have changed. im on my phone at 37000 ft via http"
* Roadkill says, "Blade Runner"
* Roadkill smiles at Blade_Runner.
* Blade_Runner grins from ear to ear.
* Andreamer asks, "That's a good movie. Has it been created yet, in MOOvie form?"
* Roadkill says, "no, we have the script, but still have to type it in :("
* Andreamer nods
* Andreamer asks, "Why don't you explain how the equipment works?"
(Row 1) berger mutters "Talk about development hell..."
* Roadkill says, "sure"
* . . . the camera pans left to right over Control Room . . .
* A nice, well lit room that over looks the theater below.
* Roadkill says, "The projector is just a @renamed vcr that announces to the control pannel which announces the text to the theater below"
Inanna has left for the real world.
* . . .the camera zooms in on Projector. . .
* A nice shiney new projector. It has a label on the side that reads: MOOvie Projector
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "it was a beast. This video is probably from 1995. I had to retime the whole script a year ago."
* Roadkill says, "the microphone is really a camera linked to the projector"
(Row 1) blast says, "i typed it in word for word"
* . . .the camera zooms in on Microphone. . .
* It is a professional TV camera. Mostly used for TV stations. It does not
* play tapes, but rather broadcasts live.
* CAUTION: Do not aim it at a TV tuned to it's station.
Samba sits down in row 1.
(Row 1) Dr.J [to blast]: "I don't know where that version went, sadly."
* Roadkill says, "and all the tapes are standard cdr format"
(Row 1) Dr.J [to blast]: "so I recently downloaded it again from the web."
Inanna has connected.
* Andreamer nods
Inanna shakes her head as she awakes.
Inanna concentrate, then float away, leaving for Theater.
Inanna joins you, looking around. Inanna looks about,
* Roadkill says, "Why create BETA when everyone has VHS? :)"
Inanna sits down in row 1.
(Row 1) Inanna says, "BETA!"
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "outstandingwhisper "How have you been?" to psyche"
* Roadkill chuckles.
* Andreamer grins. She happens to have 2 beta VCRs.
(Row 1) blast says, "no worries. it was my therapy"
* Roadkill is amazed at Andreamer's coolness.
* Andreamer blushes... "So when do you expect the opening?
(Row 1) Dr.J shouts, "WHAT'S A VCR?"
* Roadkill says, "Well, the actual theater should be compleated within two days"
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "amazing!"
* Roadkill says, "the typing of the MOOvies will take much longer"
* Andreamer asks, "Will they be actual full-length movies?"
A horrid sea-creature arrives, dismembers nutmeg [Guest], stuffs the pieces into a gym-bag and waddles away.
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "that is serious dedication - wel l done!"
* Roadkill says, "yes, these will be actual full-length movies"
* Roadkill says, "some original, some `borrowed'"
* Roadkill says, "all the MOOvies will have to be timed using Dr.J's timing VCR"
(Row 1) Dr.J coughs.
* Andreamer asks, "Can you explain what Dr.J's timing VCR does and why it's necessary?"
Neysa (!!OOM) appears suddenly in a puff of thick San Francisco fog, looking dazed. Neysa (!!OOM) looks about wildly, stumbles, and then orients herself.
(Row 1) Psyche wishes Andrea we were really here...
Neysa (!!OOM) smiles at Dr.J.
* Roadkill says, "well, the timing VCR puts time between sentances so that people can actually read the words."
(Row 1) Dr.J [to Neysa]: "sit row 1"
* Roadkill says, "if the sentances were not timed, the movie would go by rather quickly and would be SPAMfest `94"
(Row 1) blast says, "we are in a space that is older than most everything on the net. "
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "oh ok, this movie was made in 1994."
* Andreamer smiles
* Andreamer asks, "Aren't there some legal issues about typing in an entire movie script onto a public-access Internet site?"
* Roadkill says, "There could be, that is why words are changed and storylines altered so as not to step on someone's copyright"
(Row 1) PathFinder smiles.
(Row 1) Dr.J stands up, "NOTHING TO SEE HERE!"
* Roadkill smiles.
* Andreamer nods. "Good then."
(Row 1) Psyche laughs
* Andreamer says, "And now, the most important question of all."
(Row 1) blast says, "this is sacred ground"
* Roadkill says, "sure"
* Andreamer asks, "Will you have the popcorn machine working by the time the theater officially opens?"
* Roadkill grins from ear to ear.
(Row 1) Melchyor removes his sandals.
(Row 1) cat says, "Very silly sacred ground. As it should be, I guess"
* Roadkill says, "Yes, the popcorn machine should work before the Theater will open"
* Andreamer keeps her straight Serious Journalist face.
* Roadkill says, "hopefully"
* Andreamer says, "Fine.. Thank you for your time."
* Roadkill says, "your more than welcome]"
* Andreamer asks, "Is there anything else you want to say?"
Storms arrives in hopes of bonding with fellow MOOers
* Roadkill thinks
(Row 1) Dr.J waits for the Bartles & James reference.
* Roadkill says, "sure, I hope that this project will be received as well as or even better then the other projects I have been involved with."
(Row 1) cat mumbles something that sounds a lot like, "Dammit popcorn," and cleans her paw.
(Row 1) blast says, "dude"
(Row 1) Dr.J remembers now that that only happened on the Hotel Californa tapes.
* Roadkill says, "With everyone's help, it will."
* ***** finis *****
* ***************************************************************
* The following feature has been rated (M)OOrific! by the MOOtion
* Picture Association of BayMOO. Suitable for ALL AUDIENCES.
* ***************************************************************
(Row 1) shrimp applauds
* OFF THE QUOTAS! by Yea and Yeroc was shown at the First Virtual Film Festival at MIT in September, 1993. The film-makers wish to thank cdr for coding the equipment that made this production possible.
(Row 1) PathFinder claps his hands.
(Row 1) blast (is bald) has disconnected.
* . . .the camera zooms in on Moo Cow Hamma. . .
* A tough-looking steer wearing spangled Moochael Jordan sneaks, harem pants and a black leather jacket with a logo printed on the back: *We Am What We Wear*. He's wearing reflector shades and holds a cordless mike.
* . . .the camera zooms in on Roto Rooster. . .
* A lean bird with multicolored combs standing up a foot above his head. He's got sharpened tines on his claws, and he's wearing a featherduster jacket with a logo on the front that reads *EggSaturation*.
* . . . the camera pans left to right over The Barnhood:
* A rundown high-tech barn, with broken incubators, a savaged hay-bailer, a tractor covered with sprayed grafitti, and other junk tools ....
* Strolling around the barnhood are punk pigs, chickens with dyed combs, tatooed goats, cows in gang jackets, a mule with dredlocks,a horse in motorcycle gear, and a host of other downhome animals.
* * * * * * * * OFF THE QUOTAS! * * * * * * *
* _______________featuring __________________
* * * * Moo Cow Hamma and Roto Rooster * * *
* Moo Cow Hamma raps << I'm MOO Cow Hamma I'm a get-down steer! >>
* Roto Rooster exclaims, paDum Pa Dumpa dumpa DUM PA DUM !
Psyche gives PathFinder a warm hug.
* Roto Rooster raps << I'm the Roto Rooster and I got no fear! >>
* Moo Cow Hamma exclaims, dumpa DUM PA DUMpa dumpa DUM PA DUM !
* Roto Rooster raps << You laggin'? You draggin'? Then come see me! >>
(Row 1) cat says, "Meow meow I'm a cow"
* Moo Cow Hamma shouts << Cause we the baddest puppets at Em Eye Tee! >>
* Roto Rooster says, POW dumpa dumpa POW
* Moo Cow Hamma exclaims, ............ dumpa POW POW dum!
* Roto Rooster raps << Ain't no need to worry, jus' drop your load.... >>
* Moo Cow Hamma shouts << .... Cause we are the ones with the boss core code!>>
* Roto Rooster says, paDUM.....
* Moo Cow Hamma says, ........ pa DUM.....
* Moo Cow Hamma exclaims, paDUMPA DUM DUM!!
* Roto Rooster exclaims, paDUMPA DUM DUM!!
* Moo Cow Hamma shouts << ............. YEAH!!>>
* Roto Rooster raps << Ain't no one gonna tell us what we got to do!>>
* Moo Cow Hamma raps << We takin' control of the whole damn MOO!>>
* Roto Rooster exclaims, dumpa dumpa dumpa PA!
* Moo Cow Hamma raps << If you wannaup you quota then come see us! >>
* Moo Cow Hamma exclaims, ........ dumpa PA dumpa PA!
* Roto Rooster raps << And if you ain't goin' with us then...... >>
* Moo Cow and Roto shout together << GET OFF THE BUS!! >>
(Row 1) Psyche hugs everybody.
* Roto Rooster raps << No Quotas! NO QUOTAS! is what WE say! >>
Shadow_RAM (Low Man's Lyrics) appears in the room accompanied by a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder.
* Moo Cow Hamma raps << We gonna stick around til we get ourt way! >>
* Roto Rooster exclaims, pa DUMpa........paDUMpa... pa DUM PA PA!
* Moo Cow Hamma raps << No quotas! NO QUOTAS! Is what WE say! >>
* Chorus of Animals: << NO QUOTAS! NO QUOTAS! Is what We Say!! >>
* *** The animals cheer, cluck, moo, bray, and oink! ***
* *** The animals GET DOWN! ***
* *** Moo Cow Hamma does a double back flip! ***
* *** Roto Rooster goes into a strut! ***
* *** DredMule hiphops across the floor! ***
(Row 1) Inanna says, "I suppose back in the day, that little rap would have been cutting edge"
Psyche is sorry to go, but heads for home.
* *** The pigs do the poke! ***
* *** The chickens wing it! ***
* ALL: dum PA dumpa dumpa DUM PA DUM!!
* A farmer, looking like a Gary Larson *Far Side* drawing, comes in carrying an egg basket. He looks at the animals, shakes his head, then slides the barn door across the scene.
(Row 1) Inanna grins.
(Row 1) Dr.J waves to Psyche!
* * * THE END *
You hear a soft hissing sound... and suddenly you're surrounded by lizards! Cabal has entered.
* * * A MooTV Production *
Icharus materializes out of thin air.
(Row 1) Inanna claps her hands.
* * * Moo Cow Hamma Puppet = YEA *
* * * Roto-Rooster Puppet = YEROC *
* * * Camerawork by YEROC *
* * * Script by YEA *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * finis * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* ***************************************************************
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "ok, the movie starts next. It's long, so I understand if everyone can't stay."
* ***************************************************************
* Early in the 21st Century, THE TYRELL
* CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution
* into the NEXUS phase - a being virtually
* identical to a human - known as a Replicant.
* The NEXUS 6 Replicants were superior
* in strength and agility, and at least equal
* in intelligence, to the genetic engineers
* who created them.
* Replicants were used Off-World as
* slave labor, in the hazardous exploration and
* colonization of other planets.
* After a bloody mutiny by a NEXUS 6
* combat team in an Off-World colony,
* Replicants were declared illegal
(Row 1) Inanna says, "what movie is starting?"
* on earth - under penalty of death.
You say, "Thanks for pulling this together, J."
(Row 1) You watch as the horses trot off, their carriage following them, until all that is left is a purple dot on the horizon.
(Row 1) Shenka picks up carriage.
* Special police squads - BLADE RUNNER
* UNITS - had orders to shoot to kill, upon
* detection, any trespassing Replicant.
(Row 1) Inanna says, "blade runner?"
* This was not called execution.
* It was called retirement.
(Row 1) Dr.J nods.
(Row 1) Inanna says, "wow"
* NOVEMBER, 2019
* [View over 'Hades' - part of Los Angeles.]
* [Hades is reflected in ("Holden's") eye. He is standing in a room at the
* Tyrell headquarters, smoking a cigarette.]
* Intercom: Next subject: Kowalski, Leon. Engineer, waste disposal. File
* Section - new employee - six days.
(Row 1) Inanna says, "thank you for the uber coolness :)"
* [Knock on "door"]
* Holden: Come in.
Inanna heads out to work for a while.
* Holden: Sit down.
* Intercom (background): Replication Sector, Level 9 - we have a B-1
* security alert. Please stand by for... [announcements continue in distant
* background as Holden calibrates the Voight-Kampff machine]
Shenka's outline begins to get blurry as she starts to dissappear. Suddenly you notice she is altogether gone.
(Row 1) Melchyor gasps, "Next year!"
* Leon: Care if I talk? I'm kinda nervous when I take tests.
(Row 1) Dr.J can almost hear the Vangelis sound effects.
* Holden: Uh, just please don't move.
* Leon: Oh, I'm sorry. [pause] I already had an I.Q. test this year. I don't
* think I've ever had one of these--
The housekeeper arrives to cart blast (is bald) off to bed.
* Holden: Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention. Now
* answer as quickly as you can.
* Leon: Sure.
* Holden: [Looking at Leon's file] One-one-eight-seven Hunterwasser.
* Leon: That's the hotel.
* Holden: [Looks up, irritated] What?
* Leon: Where I live.
* Holden: Nice place?
* Leon: Yeah, sure I guess. That part of the test?
* Holden: No. Just warming you up, that's all.
* Leon: Oh. It's not fancy or anything.
* Holden: You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sud--
* Leon: Is this the test now?
* Holden: Yes. You're in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a
* sudden you look down--
* Leon: What one?
* Holden: [Very irritated] What?
* Leon: What desert?
* Holden: [Calmly] Doesn't make any difference what desert, it's completely
* hypothetical.
* Leon: But how come I'd be there?
* Holden: Maybe you're fed up ... maybe you wanna be by yourself. Who knows?
* You look down and you see a tortoise, Leon. It's crawling towards you--
* Leon: Tortoise? What's that?
* Holden: [Pauses to puff on cigarette, perhaps wondering if Leon is messing
* with him?] You know what a turtle is?
* Leon: Of course.
* Holden: Same thing.
* Leon: Never seen a turtle.
* [Holden is not happy with V-K readings. Leon is figuring out what this
* test really is, but sees Holden's patience is wearing thin.]
* Leon: But I understand what you mean.
* Holden: You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back, Leon.
* Leon: Do you make up these questions, Mr. Holden. Or do they write 'em
* down for you?
(Row 1) cat says, "I'd eat it!"
* Holden: [echoing] The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the
* hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not
* without your help. But you're not helping.
* Leon: [Getting agitated] What do you mean I'm not helping?
* Holden: I mean you're not helping. Why is that, Leon?
* [Leon seems confused. Holden leans back.]
* Holden: They're just questions, Leon. [Puffs cigarette] In answer to your
* query, they're written down for me. It's a test designed to provoke an
* emotional response. [Pauses and leans forward to put cigarette in ashtray]
* Shall we continue?
* [Leon nods slightly and leans forward with hands under table]
* Holden: Describe, in single words, only the good things that come into
* your mind -about ... your mother.
* Leon: My mother?
* Holden: Yeah.
* Leon: Let me tell you about my mother.
* [Leon shoots Holden through table. Holden is pulling gun out, but is not
* as fast as Leon. As Holden in his chair crashes through the partition
* wall, Leon stands and shoots him again.]
* -- / --
* [Spinner flies through city skyscrapers, passes huge billboard of lady
* happily popping a pill. Down at street level we look up at advertising
* blimp.]
* Blimp: A new life awaits you in the Off-World colonies. The chance to
* begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.
* [Rainy, dark, busy, pedestrian street. Deckard reads a newspaper across
* from a noodle bar, waiting for a seat to open up.]
* Sushi Master: [To a customer] Nani ni shimasho ka.
* Blimp: A new life awaits you in the Off-World Colonies. The chance to
* begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.
* Blimp: [Continues over some of the following dialogue] Use your new friend
* as a personal body servant or a tireless field hand. The custom tailored
* genetically engineered humanoid replicant designed especially for your
* needs. So come on America, lets put our team up there ...
* Sushi Master: [Calls to Deckard] Kimashita, kimashita! Irasshai, irasshai!
* [Deckard goes over to Noodle Bar.]
* Sushi Master: Sa dozo.
* [Deckard takes place Sushi Master indicates.]
* Sushi Master: Nani ni shimasho ka.
* Deckard: [Points] Give me four.
* Sushi Master: Futatsu de jubun desu yo.
* Deckard: No. Four. Two, two, four.
* Sushi Master: [Insistent] Futatsu de jubun desu yo.
(Row 1) Melchyor understands Japanese!
* Deckard: [Resignedly] And noodles.
* Sushi Master: Wakatte kudasai yo.
* [Deckard rubs the splinters off his disposable chopsticks and the Sushi
* Master gives him his noodles.]
* [Two people move to stand behind him.]
* Policeman: Hey, idi-wa.
* Gaff: Monsieur, azonnal kvessen engem bitte.
* [Deckard gestures to Sushi Master to translate. (Maybe Deckard
* understands, but pretends not to.)]
* Sushi Master: He say you under arrest, Mr. Deckard.
* Deckard: [Trying to eat his dinner] You got the wrong guy, pal.
* Gaff: Lfaszt, nehogy mr. Te vagy a Blade ... Blade Runner.
* Sushi Master: He say you 'Brade Runner'.
* Deckard: Tell him I'm eating.
* Gaff: Captain Bryant toka. Me ni omae yo.
* Deckard: Bryant, huh?
* Gaff: Hai!
* [Deckard takes his noodles with him as he and Gaff leave in spinner.]
* Spinner: Yellow 3. Climb and maintain four thousand. When approaching pad
* six ... caution.
* [Flight through city to Police Tower. Deckard silently finishes his noodle
* dinner.]
* Spinner: [As they circle in to land on the Police Tower roof] Final
* descent, now on glide path, on course, over the landing threshold.
(Row 1) Dr.J isn't sure which cut this is actually from.
* -- / --
* [Interior of police station, Deckard and Gaff walk to Bryant's office. The
* door has H. BRYANT INSPECTOR on it.]
* Bryant: Hiya Deck.
* Deckard: Bryant.
* Bryant: You wouldn't have come if I'd just asked you to. Siddown pal.
* [Deckard glares at Bryant without moving.]
* Bryant: C'mon don't be an asshole Deckard. I've got four skin jobs walking
* the streets.
* [Deckard and Gaff enter Bryant's office and sit down. A police radio
* chatters in the background.]
* Bryant: [Bryant cracks open some Johnny Walker Black Label and pours two
* glasses (but never touches his own.)] They jumped a shuttle Off-World.
* Killed the crew and passengers. They found the shuttle drifting off the
* coast two weeks ago so we know they're around.
* Deckard: [Reaches for whiskey glass] Embarrassing. [Drinks]
* Bryant: No sir, not embarrassing, 'cause no one's ever going to find out
* they're down here. 'Cause you're gonna spot 'em, and you're gonna air 'em
* out.
* Deckard: I don't work here anymore. [Puts down empty glass to punctuate
* end of sentence.] Give it to Holden. He's good.
* Bryant: I did. He can breathe okay as long as nobody unplugs him. [Gaff
* picks up a small piece of crumpled paper from ashtray] He's not good
* enough. Not as good as you. I need ya, Deck. This is a bad one. The worst
* yet.
* Bryant: I need the old Blade Runner. I need your magic.
* Deckard: I was quit when I come in here, Bryant. I'm twice as quit now.
* [Gets up to leave.]
* Bryant: Stop right where you are! You know the score, pal. You're not cop,
* you're little people.
* [Gaff puts origami chicken on corner of table.]
* Deckard: [Turns round from door.] No choice, huh?
* Bryant: No choice, pal.
* -- / --
* [Blue Room. The V.K. video of Leon is showing.]
* Leon (video): I've already had an I.Q. test this year. I don't think I've
* ever had one of these.
* [Video display shows "V.K. 96/W/9-3H"]
* Bryant: That's Leon, ammunition loader on intergalactic runs. He can lift
* four-hundred-pound atomic loads all day and night. The only way you can
* hurt him is to kill him.
* Holden (video): Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay
* attention. Answer as quickly as you can.
* Leon (video): Yeah, sure.
* Holden (video): One-one-eight-seven at Hunterwasser.
* Leon (video): Yeah... that's the hotel.
* Holden (video): What?
* Leon (video): Where I live.
* Holden (video): Nice place?
* Leon (video): Yeah, sure I guess.
* Bryant: There was an escape from the Off-World colonies two weeks ago. Six
* replicants, three male, three female. They slaughtered twenty-three people
* and jumped a shuttle. An aerial patrol spotted the ship off the coast. No
* crew, no sight of them. Three nights ago they tried to break into Tyrell
* Corporation. One of them got fried running through an electrical field. We
* lost the others. On the possibility they might try to infiltrate as
* employees, I had Holden go over and run Voight-Kampff tests on the new
* workers. Looks like he got himself one.
* Holden (video): So you look down and you see a tortoise. It's crawling
* towards you.
* Leon (video): Tortoise, what's that?
* Holden (video): Know what a turtle is?
* Leon (video): Of course.
* Holden (video): Same thing.
* Leon (video): I've never seen a turtle.
blast appears with his Ant Farm. He is wearing a shirt that has large prime numbers all over it and it reads THERE IS SAFETY IN LARGE NUMBERS!
* [As they're speaking, the video shows Leon's incept data:
* Replicant (M) Des: LEON
* NEXUS 6 N6MAC41717
* Incept Date: 10 APRIL, 2017
* Func: Combat / Loader (Nuc. Fiss.)
* Phys: LEV. A Ment: LEV. C ]
* Deckard: But I don't get it. What do they risk coming back to earth for?
* That's unusual. Why... What do they want out of the Tyrell Corporation?
* Bryant: Well you tell me pal, that's what you're here for.
* [Deckard smirks. Then Roy Batty's incept tape comes up.]
* Deckard: What's this?
* Bryant: Nexus 6. Roy Batty. Incept date, 2016. Combat model. Optimum
* self-sufficiency. Probably the leader.
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "Lovely to see everyone - Happy Birthday!"
* [Roy's incept data:
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "Shadow_RAM actually did a twich stream of the real movie while we played this last year."
* Replicant (M) Des: BATTY (Roy)
* NEXUS 6 N6MAA10816
* Incept Date: 8 JAN., 2016
* Func: Combat, Colonization Defense Prog.
* Phys: LEV. A Ment: LEV. A
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "Thanks PathFinder!"
* Then Zhora's incept tape comes up on screen.]
* Bryant: This is Zhora. She's trained for an Off-World kick-murder squad.
* Talk about beauty and the beast. She's both.
* [Zhora's incept data:
(Row 1) PathFinder says, "I'll pop back if I can - have to make the lunches :)"
* Replicant (F) Des: ZHORA
* NEXUS 6 N6FAB61216
* Incept Date: 12 JUNE, 2016
* Func: Retrained(9 Feb.,2018)Polit. Homicide
* Phys: LEV. A Ment: LEV. B
* Then Pris's incept tape comes up on screen.
* Pris's incept data:
* Replicant (F) Des: PRIS
* NEXUS 6 N6FAB21416
* Incept Date: 14 FEB., 2016
* Func: Military / Leisure
* Phys: LEV. A Ment: LEV. B ]
* Bryant: The fourth skin job is Pris. A basic pleasure model. The standard
* item for military clubs in the outer colonies. They were designed to copy
* human beings in every way, except their emotions. The designers reckoned
* that after a few years, they might develop their own emotional responses.
* Oh, hate, love, fear, anger, envy. So they built in a fail-safe device.
(Row 1) PathFinder has disconnected.
* Deckard: Which is what?
* Bryant: Four-year life span.
* Bryant: Now there's a Nexus 6 over at the Tyrell Corporation. I want you
* to go put the machine on it.
* Deckard: And if the machine doesn't work?
* [Not a question Bryant even wants to contemplate...]
* -- / --
blast says, "so awesome"
* [Gaff flies Deckard across town, passing the Coca Cola ad, to the
* impressive Tyrell buildings, glowing in the rays of the setting sun. This
* time they are both silent]
* -- / --
(Row 1) Melchyor stands and scoots down the row blocking each person's view in turn. He returns in a few minutes with coffee, repeats the same maneuver in reverse, and sloshes a little coffee on cat when he sits back down.
* [Deckard waits in a huge and impressive, minimally furnished room -
* Tyrell's "office". An owl flies across. Rachael enters.]
* Rachael: Do you like our owl?
* Deckard: It's artificial?
* Rachael: Of course it is.
(Row 1) Dr.J laughs.
* Deckard: Must be expensive.
* Rachael: Very. I'm Rachael.
* Deckard: Deckard.
* Rachael: It seems you feel our work is not of benefit to the public.
* Deckard: Replicants are like any other machine. They're either a benefit
* or a hazard. If they're a benefit, it's not my problem.
* Rachael: May I ask you a personal question?
* Deckard: Sure. [Deckard sits in a chair.]
blast says, "what is the wiz chan prefix?"
* Rachael: Have you ever retired a human by mistake?
* Deckard: No.
* Rachael: But in your position that is a risk?
* Tyrell: [Has entered room silently.] Is this to be an empathy test?
* Capillary dilation of the so-called blush response? Fluctuation of the ...
* pupil? Involuntary dilation of the iris?
(Row 1) shrimp says, "XM"
(Row 1) Dr.J [to blast]: "x"
* Deckard: We call it Voight-Kampff for short.
* Rachael: Mr. Deckard, Dr. Eldon Tyrell.
* Tyrell: Demonstrate it. I want to see it work.
* Deckard: Where's the subject?
* Tyrell: I want to see it work on a person. I want to see a negative before
* I provide you with a positive.
* Deckard: What's that gonna prove?
* Tyrell: Indulge me.
* Deckard: On you?
* Tyrell: Try her. [Rachael smiles.]
* Deckard: It's too bright in here.
* [Tyrell goes to the end of the table and initiates window polarizing that
* dims the sun. Rachael sits. Deckard removes the V-K machine from a large
* briefcase and sets it up.]
blast (is bald) has disconnected.
* Rachael: Do you mind if I smoke?
* Deckard: It won't affect the test. Alright, I'm gonna ask you a series of
* questions. Just relax and answer them as simply as you can.
* [Rachael lights her cigarette. Deckard finishes calibrating the machine.]
* Deckard: It's your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet.
* Rachael: I wouldn't accept it. Also, I'd report the person who gave it to
* me to the police.
* Deckard: You've got a little boy. He shows you his butterfly collection
* plus the killing jar.
* Rachael: [Rachael's eyes shine red.] I'd take him to the doctor.
* Deckard: You're watching television. Suddenly you realize there's a wasp
* crawling on your arm.
* Rachael: I'd kill it.
* Deckard: You're reading a magazine. You come across a full-page nude photo
* of a girl.
* Rachael: Is this testing whether I'm a replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "This scene makes more sense if you've read the book. THey don't explain the animal thing at all in the movie."
* Deckard: Just answer the questions, please. [pause] You show it to your
* husband. He likes it so much, he hangs it on your bedroom wall.
* Deckard (background future echo): ...bush outside your window...
* Rachael: I wouldn't let him.
* Deckard (background future echo): body, green legs...
* Deckard: Why not?
* Rachael: I should be enough for him.
* [Time passes.]
(Row 1) Melchyor agrees with Dr.J. Book is quite different.
* Deckard: One more question. You're watching a stage play ... a banquet is
* in progress. The guests are enjoying an appetizer of raw oysters. The
* entre consists of boiled dog.
* [Rachael does not respond. Deckard shuts down the machine and leans back.]
* Tyrell: Would you step out for a few moments, Rachael?
* [Rachael gets up and leaves.]
* Tyrell: [To the departing Rachael] Thank you.
* Deckard: She's a replicant, isn't she?
* Tyrell: I'm impressed. How many questions does it usually take to spot one?
* Deckard: I don't get it Tyrell.
* Tyrell: How many questions?
* Deckard: Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.
* Tyrell: It took more than a hundred for Rachael, didn't it?
* Deckard: She doesn't know?
* Tyrell: She's beginning to suspect, I think.
* Deckard: Suspect? How can it not know what it is?
The housekeeper arrives to cart PathFinder off to bed.
* Tyrell: Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell. "More human than human" is
* our motto. Rachael is an experiment, nothing more. We began to recognize
* in them ... a strange obsession. After all they are emotionally
* inexperienced with only a few years in which to store up the experiences
* which you and I take for granted. If we gift them with a past ... we
* create a cushion or pillow for their emotions and consequently we can
* control them better.
Pache appears suddenly in a puff of thick San Francisco fog, looking dazed. Pache looks about wildly, stumbles, and then orients himself.
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "welcome!"
* Deckard: Memories. You're talking about memories!
* [Tyrell looks smug. Deckard is stunned.]
* -- / --
Pache sits down in row 1.
* [Gaff flies the spinner while Deckard reviews Leon's V-K video.]
* Holden (video): Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay
* attention. Now, answer as quickly as you can.
Shadow_RAM (Rk is a bum... I have pictures!) goes out.
* Leon (video): Sure.
* Holden (video): One-one-eight-seven Hunterwasser.
* Leon (video): Yeah, that's the hotel.
* Holden (video): What?
(Row 1) shrimp hugs Pache--sit:wonders if Pache brought her some sake
* Leon (video): Where I live.
* Holden (video): Nice place?
* Leon (video): Yeah, sure I guess. Is that part of the test?
* Holden (video): No.
* [They again fly past the huge Coca Cola advertisement and come down to
* land. It is pouring with rain as they walk across to the Yukon Hotel.]
* -- / --
(Row 1) Pache pache hands a glass of sake to shrimp
* [The hotel manager opens Leon's apartment door for them. (There is a guy
* on the public telephone behind them in the corridor.)]
* [Deckard searches the apartment. Gaff creates Mr Woody, the matchstick
* man. Deckard finds some scales in the bath and bags one. Exiting the
* bathroom, he sees Gaff's completed "art". Leon crosses the street outside
* and sees his apartment light is on, so stays down there, in the shadows.
* Deckard checks the drawers. One has that same old newspaper.]
(Row 1) shrimp says, "kanpai!"
* [The next drawer has some clothes and Leon's photos, which Deckard takes.]
* -- / --
* [Street.]
* Roy: [His hand is cramping shut.] Time? Enough.
* [Roy ponders. He is standing in a phone booth. There is a tap on the door.
* It is Leon. Roy opens the door.]
(Row 1) Pache whispers kanpai
* Roy: [Exits phone booth] Did you get your precious photos?
* Leon: [Shakes head] Someone was there.
* Roy: Men?
* [Leon nods.]
* Roy: Police-men?
* [Leon looks sullenly at Roy.]
The housekeeper arrives to cart blast (is bald) off to bed.
* [They walk down the street. Cyclists pass. Roy and Leon enter Eye World.]
* -- / --
* [Chew's freezing laboratory. Chew is dressed in heated protective clothes.
* He is engrossed in his work on ... eyes. He is chattering to himself
* delightedly in Chinese.]
* Chew: [In Chinese] Ha yes! So little time. [Examines eyeball under
* microscope] Ha, ha! So beautiful.
* [Roy and Leon enter, unperturbed by the cold.]
* Chew: [Still in Chinese] Ha, ha! Beautiful indeed!
* [Leon tugs on Chew's air hoses.]
* Chew: [Still in Chinese] Where did you come from? What the hell do you
* think you are doing?
* Chew: [Speaks in Chinese into a microphone on his lapel] Ah Chong, come
* quickly! [But there is no answer. Presumably, Chong was front of shop and
* has already been silenced.]
* Roy: [Misquoting William Blake] Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled
* around their shores ... burning with the fires of Orc.
* Chew: [In Chinese] How can this be? It can't be! [Continues in English]
* You not come here. Illegal!
* Chew: [Sees Leon by a cold tank containing eyes in liquid.] Hey! Hey! [In
* Chinese] What are you doing? [Continues in English] Cold! Those are my
* eyes! Freezing!
* [But Leon dips his hand in and pulls it out unharmed - he is only curious
* at the sensation and smell of the freezing liquid. Chew looks at Roy.]
* Roy: [Smiles] Yes. Questions.
* [Leon walks up behind Chew and rips open his coat. Chew cries out in
* protest, but Leon pulls the coat off him. Chew is scared.]
* Roy: Morphology... Longevity... Incept dates?
* Chew: Don't know. I... I don't know such stuff. I just do eyes, see? Just
* eyes. Ge- genetic design. Just eyes. [Looks into Roy's eyes] You Nexus,
* huh? I design your eyes.
* Roy: Chew, if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes. Now ...
* questions.
* Chew: I don't know answers.
* Roy: Who does?
* Chew: Tyrell. He... he... he knows everything.
* Roy: Tyrell Corporation?
* Chew: He big boss ... big genius. He... he design your mind ... your brain.
* Roy: Ah! Smart.
* Chew: [Shivering] Very cold.
* Roy: Not an easy man to see...
* Chew: Very cold.
* Roy: ...I guess?
* [Roy sits. Leon has been wandering around the lab and now is back behind
* Chew again, holding an eye on his shoulder.]
* Chew: Se... Se... Sebastian. He... he... take... take you there ... he
* take you there.
Row 1: Melchyor, cat, shrimp, Sirius, berger, Blade_Runner, Rk, Dr.J, Samba, and Pache
Row 2: No one
Row 3: No one
Row 4: No one
Row 5: No one
Row 6: No one
Row 7: No one
Row 8: No one
Row 9: No one
Row 10: No one
* Roy: [Obviously enjoying this] Sebastian who?
* Chew: J. ... J. F. Se... Sebastian... Sebas... Sebastian...
* Roy: Now ... where ... would we find this ... J. F. Sebastian?
* -- / --
* [Deckard in groundcar, listening to Leon's video, driving through Second
* Street Tunnel.]
* Holden (video): Let's continue, shall we? Describe in single words, only
* the good things that come into your mind ... about your mother.
* Leon (video): My mother?
* Holden (video): Yeah.
* Leon (video): I'll tell you about my mother. [gunshot]
* [Deckard drives up to his apartment building, entering walled area through
* opening gates. It is pouring with rain. He goes inside and enters
* elevator, seemingly half-asleep.]
* Elevator: Voice print identification. Your floor number, please.
* Deckard: [Punches 97 on the keypad] Deckard, 97.
* Elevator: 97, thank you, danke.
* [Deckard is tired - he yawns. Elevator makes its ascending sound.]
* Rachael: [Whispers] Deckard.
* [Deckard spins, pulling out his blaster, pointing it at the figure
* standing in the shadows. The elevator doors open as Deckard recognises
* Rachael. Deckard walks out into corridor, holstering his weapon.]
* Rachael: I wanted to see you...
* [Deckard fumbles for his keycard in his coat pocket and pulls it out.
* Rachael follows him.]
* Rachael: I waited.
* [Deckard drops his keycard on the floor.]
* Rachael: Let me help. [Picks up keycard and hands it to Deckard.]
* Deckard: What do I need help for? [Takes card and opens his apartment door
* (Number 9732)]
* Rachael: I don't know why he told you what he did.
* Deckard: Talk to him.
* Rachael: He wouldn't see me! [Said as Deckard closes his apartment door on
* her.]
* [There is a pause before Deckard reopens his door. He leaves it open for
* her to enter.]
* -- / --
* [Inside Deckard's apartment.]
* Deckard: Do you want a drink? No? ... No? [Pours himself one.]
* Rachael: You think I'm a replicant, don't you?
* [Deckard doesn't answer, only sips his drink.]
* Rachael: [Pulls out photograph] Look. It's me with my mother.
* [Rachael holds out the photo, but Deckard ignores it.]
(Row 1) Melchyor hums the Vangelis raunchy saxophone score.
* Deckard: Yeah?
* Deckard: [Taking off coat] Remember when you were six? You and your
* brother snuck into an empty building through a basement window ... you
* were gonna play doctor? He showed you his, and when it got to be your turn
* you chickened and ran. Remember that? [Sits in armchair and sighs.] You
* ever tell anybody that? Your mother? Tyrell? Anybody, huh? You remember
* the spider that lived in a bush outside your window? Orange body, green
* legs? Watched her build a web all summer. Then one day there was a big egg
* in it. The egg hatched...
(Row 1) Dr.J plays the electric piano part.
* Rachael: The egg hatched...
* Deckard: And?
* Rachael: ...and a hundred baby spiders came out. And they ate her.
* Deckard: Implants! Those aren't your memories. They're somebody else's.
* They're Tyrell's niece's.
* [Rachael tries to come to terms with the confirmation of her suspicion.]
* Deckard: Okay. Bad joke. I made a bad joke. You're not a replicant. Go
* home. Okay?
* [Rachael doesn't move.]
* Deckard: [Standing up] No really, I'm sorry. Go home.
* [Rachael doesn't move.]
* Deckard: Wanna drink? I'll get you a drink. I'll get a glass.
(Row 1) Blade_Runner had to go deal with RL.
* [Rachael is crying. Deckard goes to kitchen to get a glass. Rachael looks
* at her photo. She throws it down and leaves.]
* [Deckard retrieves Rachael's photo and looks at it. He turns it over -
* there is a hand-written address on the back.]
* [He turns the photo back to the picture.]
* [The picture appears to come alive with happy memories.]
(Row 1) Dr.J waves!
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "Thanks for coming!"
* [He sits down to look at Leon's photos.]
(Row 1) Pache realizez how much that looks like his own kitchen
* -- / --
* [Moody moments as Deckard stands on his balcony, surveying the city.]
* [In another part of the city, Pris approaches the Bradbury Building (where
* J. F. lives). She settles into a pile of trash bags. After a while, J. F.
* Sebastian arrives in his van and parks. He approaches the front door and
* drops his keys on the ground.]
* [Pris appears shocked with sharp intake of breath. She leaps up, pushing
* over Sebastian, and runs and just happens to slip and catch herself on
* Sebastian's van.]
* Sebastian: Hey!
* [They look at each other.]
* Sebastian: You forgot your bag. [Holds up Pris's bag which she just
* happens to have dropped at his feet.]
* Pris: [Slowly approaches and grabs bag.] I'm lost.
* Sebastian: Don't worry, I won't hurt you. [People are not Sebastian's
* forte.] What's your name?
* Pris: Pris.
* Sebastian: Mine's J. F. Sebastian.
* Pris: Hi.
* Sebastian: Hi. [Pleased with how that went, he forgets for a moment what
* comes next.] Oh... where were you going? [Pris shrugs] Home?
* Pris: I don't have one.
* [Sebastian is surprised at that, but then looks like he is about to leave,
* but Pris quickly steps forward.]
* Pris: [Smiling] We scared each other pretty good, didn't we?
* Sebastian: [Smiling] We sure did.
* Pris: [Laughs momentarily then looks lost] I'm hungry, J. F.
* Sebastian: I've got some stuff inside. You wanna come in?
* Pris: I was hoping you'd say that.
(Row 1) Dr.J Darryl Hannah actually cut her hand in that scene.
* [As Sebastian turns, Pris's smile disappears. They enter the building.]
* [Inside they look up through atrium to see blimp floating over - Ogi no
* Mato is being sung... They get in the elevator.]
* Pris: Do you live in this building all by yourself?
* Sebastian: Yeah, I live here pretty much alone right now. No housing
* shortage around here. Plenty of room for everybody.
* [Elevator reaches Sebastian's floor. Pris coughs.]
* Sebastian: Watch out for the water.
* Pris: Must get lonely here, J. F.
* Sebastian: Hmm... Not really. I make friends. They're toys. My friends are
* toys. I make them. It's a hobby. I'm a genetic designer. Do you know what
* that is?
* Pris: No...
* Sebastian: Now. [Opens his apartment door and is about to enter, but
* realises his manners.] Oh... [Steps back and lets Pris in first.] Yoo-hoo!
* Home again!
* Kaiser and Bear: [In unison] Home again, home again, jiggedy-jig. Goood
* evening, J.F.!
(Row 1) shrimp is an ag:hates to leave but past her bedtime
* Sebastian: Evening, fellas.
* Kaiser: [Bumps into doorpost] Mmnhh!
* Sebastian: They're my friends. I made them. Where are your folks?
(Row 1) shrimp is an anging janitor
(Row 1) Dr.J understands.
* Pris: I'm sort of an orphan.
* Sebastian: Oh. What about your friends?
* Pris: I have some, but I have to find them. I'll let 'em know where I am
* tomorrow.
(Row 1) shrimp *aging
* Sebastian: Oh. Can I take those things for you? They're soaked aren't they?
(Row 1) Dr.J I tried to saddle East and West coasts here.
* -- / --
shrimp goes home.
* [Deckard's apartment. He is sleepily tinkling at the piano. He is imagining
* a Unicorn in a forest. It stares straight ahead, then bolts away in slow
* motion.]
(Row 1) Pache gives shrimp a hug
* [Deckard's piano is littered with old family photos. He reaches for one of
* Leon's photos that he has placed there with the music. Grabbing his glass
* and the bottle of whiskey he has been consuming, he heads over to the
* Esper and inserts Leon's photo into a slot.]
Off it goes!
* Deckard: [After topping up his glass, he looks up at the Esper screen now
* displaying the photo.] Enhance 224 to 176. [The Esper responds, focusing
* in.] Enhance. Stop. [It is Roy Batty.] Move in. Stop. Pull out, track right.
* Stop. Center and pull back.
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "ENHANCE!"
* Stop. Track 45 right. Stop. Center and stop. [Deckard sees something.]
* Enhance 34 to 36. [Now focusing on another glass in adjoining room.] Pan
* right and pull back. Stop. [Looking at curved mirror on far wall.] Enhance
* 34 to 46. [Focusing into reflection in mirror. What is that sequined thing
* hanging there?]
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "people still make fun of that today."
* Pull back. Wait a minute. Go right. Stop. [Sees arm reflected in another
* mirror.] Enhance 57-19. Track 45 left. Stop. [Woman lying down.] Enhance
* 15 to 23. [Focuses on snake tattoo on her neck.] Give
* me a hard copy right there.
* [Print is produced. Deckard looks at the print.]
* [He then looks at the scale he got from Leon's apartment.]
* -- / --
* [Animoid Row - Deckard takes the scale to the Cambodian (Fish) Lady.]
* Deckard: Fish? [He hands her the bag with the scale inside.]
* [Voice calling in indeterminate language in background.]
* Cambodian Lady: [Puts whole bag under electron microscope.] I think it was
* manufactured locally. Finest quality. Superior workmanship. There is a
* maker's serial number: 99069-47X/B71. Interesting. Not fish. Snake scale.
* Deckard: Snake?
The housekeeper arrives to cart Blade_Runner off to bed.
* Cambodian Lady: Try Abdul Ben-Hassan. He make this snake. [She indicates
* the direction.]
* [Deckard walks down Animoid Row, avoiding the ostriches and various other
* artificial creatures until he gets to the Egyptian's artificial snake
* parlour. Abdul beckons him in. ]
* Abdul: [Speaks in possibly Arabic?] ...
* Deckard: [Enters store] Abdul Hassan? [Abdul natters on and Deckard talks
* over him] I'm a police officer. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
* [Shows badge.] Artificial snake license X/B71, that's you? [Holds up snake
* scale.] This is your work, huh? Who did you sell it to?
* Abdul: My work? Not too many could afford such quality.
* Deckard: How many?
* Abdul: Very few.
* Deckard: How few? [Grabs Abdul by his tie.] Look my friend.
You say, "It's a prediction that was both close to and far from the mark."
* Abdul: Taffey Lewis'. Down in Fourth Sector. Chinatown.
* -- / --
* [Inside Taffey Lewis' Snake Pit Bar. Deckard enters and approaches bar.]
* Deckard: Bartender? Taffey Lewis? [A bartender points down the bar.]
* Bar Patron: [As Deckard walks past to Taffey.] Oh, I can't stand it!
* Deckard: Taffey. I'd like to ask you a few questions. [Shows ID.]
* Taffey: [To companion.] Blow.
* Deckard: You ever buy snakes from the Egyptian, Taffey?
* Taffey: All the time, pal.
* Deckard: Did you ever see this girl, huh? [Shows him Esper printout of
* Zhora.]
* Taffey: Never seen her. Buzz off.
* Deckard: [Threatening] Your licenses in order pal?
* Taffey: [Completely unphased, to bartender] Hey Louis, the man is dry.
* Give him one on the house, okay? [Dismisses Deckard with a confident
* smirk.] See ya.
* [Deckard's bluff has been called, so he accepts his drink (with worms in
* it - indicating probably Mescal). He sits at bar and looks at photos.
* Rachael's photo prompts him to call her. Using the bar's public VID-PHON,
* he dials 555-7583.]
* Rachael: Hello?
* Deckard: I've had people walk out on me before, but not when ... I was
* being so charming. I'm in a bar here now down in the Fourth Sector. Taffey
* Lewis' on the Line. Why don't you come on down here and have a drink?
* Rachael: I don't think so, Mr. Deckard. That's not my kind of place.
* Deckard: Go someplace else?
* [Rachael disconnects]
* [TOTAL CHARGE - $1.25]
* [Deckard returns to his drink.]
* Master of Ceremonies: Ladies and Gentlemen. Taffey Lewis presents Miss
* Salome and the snake. Watch her take the pleasures from the serpent that
* once corrupted man!
Samba flattens out into a largish 37 cent postage stamp and floats away.
* [Deckard turns to enjoy the show, but quickly suspects this is his quarry.]
* [Deckard waits for Zhora backstage in busy corridor near dressing rooms,
* reading that old newspaper again, trying to look nonchalant until Zhora
* arrives.]
* Deckard: [Sleazy act] Excuse me, Miss Salome, can I talk to you for a
* minute? I'm from the American Federation of Variety Artists.
* Zhora: [Sceptically] Oh, yeah?
* Deckard: I'm not here to make you join. No ma'am. That's not my
* department. [They enter her dressing room.] Actually, uh [closes door] I'm
* from the, uh, Confidential Committee on Moral Abuses.
* Zhora: Committee of Moral Abuses?
* Deckard: Yes, Ma'am. There's been some reports that the management have
* been taking liberties with the artists in this place.
* Zhora: I don't know nothin' about it. [Puts her snake, on a coat stand.]
* Deckard: Have you felt yourself to be exploited in any way?
* Zhora: How do you mean, exploited?
* Deckard: [Struggling] Well, l-like to get this job. I mean, di-did you do,
* or... or... were you asked to do anything that's ... lewd or unsavory or
* .. otherwise, uh, repulsive to... to your person, huh?
* Zhora: [Almost naked, sequinned. Laughs.] Are you
* for real?
* Deckard: Oh yeah. [As Zhora heads to the shower.] I'd like to check your
* dressing room if I may.
* Zhora: [Not so happy about that] For what?
* Deckard: For, uh, for holes.
* Zhora: Holes?
* Deckard: Well you- you'd be surprised what a guy'd go through to ... get a
* glimpse of a beautiful body.
* Zhora: [Clearly not surprised] No, I wouldn't.
* Deckard: Little, uh, dirty holes they, uh, drill in the wall so they can
* watch a lady undress.
* [Deckard looks around. Finds sequined boa as in the photo while Zhora
* showers and dries and starts dressing.]
* Deckard: Is this a real snake?
* Zhora: Of course it's not real. Do you think I'd be working in a place
* like this if I could afford a real snake? [Puts on boots. Then comes out
* still patting hair with towel.] So if somebody does try to exploit me, who
* do I go to about it?
* Deckard: Me.
* Zhora: You're a dedicated man. Dry me. [Throws towel at Deckard.]
* [She turns her back, putting on her leather bra-top. Then hits him. She
* almost strangles Deckard, but is interrupted by others entering room,
* whereupon she flees. Deckard struggles up and chases her down the street,
* eventually shooting her in the back as she runs. She crashes through plate
* glass windows.]
* Leon: [Watching, mumbles under his breath] He must die! He must die!
* Deckard: [Showing ID to street cop] Deckard. B-two-sixty-three-fifty-four.
* Police in hovering spinner: Move on... Move on.........
* [Deckard goes across to hole in the wall bottle shop.]
* Saleslady: A minute. [Finishes what she was doing.] Yeah what do you want?
* Deckard: Tsing Tao. [She gets a bottle (of vodka) and wraps it. Deckard
* holds out some cash.] This enough?
* Saleslady: Yeah.
* [Gaff taps Deckard hard on shoulder with cane. Deckard turns angrily and
* grabs it.]
* Gaff: Bryant.
* [They go to where Bryant has been waiting in Gaff's spinner.]
* Bryant: Christ, Deckard, ya look almost as bad as that skin job ya left on
* the sidewalk.
* Deckard: I'm going home.
* Bryant: You could learn from this guy, Gaff. He's a goddamn one-man
* slaughterhouse, that's what he is. Four more to go. [Deckard is taken
* aback.] Come on Gaff, let's go.
* Deckard: Three. There's three to go.
* Bryant: There's four. [Realises Deckard doesn't know.] Tha- tha- that skin
* job you V-K'd at Tyrell Corporation ... Rachael. Disappeared. Vanished.
* Didn't even know she was a replicant. Something to do with a brain implant
* says Tyrell. Come on Gaff. [Nodding at the bottle of Tsing Tao.] Drink
* some for me, huh, pal.
* [Gaff and Bryant drive off. Deckard spots Rachael standing, watching him
* from the other side of the crowded street. She walks off and he tries to
* pursue. Deckard is grabbed by Leon.]
* Deckard: Leon!
* Leon: How old am I?
(Row 1) Pache gasps!
* Deckard: [Punches Leon, with no big effect.] I don't know.
* Leon: [Throws Deckard against the side of a garbage truck.] My birthday's
* April 10, 2017. How long do I live?
* Deckard: Four years.
* [Leon drags Deckard and throws him against a steam thingy. Deckard draws
* his blaster, but Leon smacks it away.]
* Leon: More than you.
* [Leon punches, but Deckard ducks. Leon's fist breaks through the metal of
* the thingy and steam comes out.]
* Leon: [Grabs Deckard before he can run.] Painful to live in fear, isn't it?
* [Leon throws Deckard onto the broken windscreen of an abandoned car.]
* Leon: Nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch.
* Deckard: Oh, I agree.
* [Leon picks Deckard up and starts smacking him across the face.]
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "steam thingy?"
(Row 1) Sirius. o O ( steam thingy? )
* Leon: Wake up! Time to die.
Shadow_RAM (I remember the motto corporate rock sucks...) has arrived.
* [Leon is about to poke Deckard's eyes out when Rachael shoots him in the
* head with Deckard's blaster.]
(Row 1) Pache chuckles
* -- / --
(Row 1) Sirius (woohoo) laughs!
Neysa (!!OOM) throws up her hands and cheers!
* [Deckard's apartment. Deckard has poured himself some Tsing Tao. He takes
* a sip and a little blood runs into the glass from his mouth.]
(Row 1) Dr.J laughs.
* Deckard: Shakes? Me too. I get 'em bad. [Clears throat] It's part of the
* business.
Shadow_RAM says, "pew pew"
Sirius (woohoo) hugs Shadow_RAM.
* Rachael: [Crying] I'm not in the business. [pause] I am the business.
* [Deckard goes to bathroom, takes off his jacket and shirt, then washes his
* face. Rachael removes her coat. Deckard washes his bloody mouth out as
* red-eyed Rachael approaches.]
* Rachael: What if I go North? Disappear? Would you come after me? Hunt me?
* Deckard: No. No, I wouldn't. [Dries his face with towel.] I owe you one.
* [Deckard walks out of bathroom and behind Rachael where he gets all
* red-eyed too.] But somebody would.
* [Deckard goes into another room.]
* Rachael: Deckard? You know those files on me? The incept date ... the
* longevity ... those things. You saw them?
(Row 1) Pache says, "any excuse to take off his shirt.."
* Deckard: [Putting on clean shirt.] They're ... classified.
* Rachael: But you're a policeman.
* Deckard: I ... didn't look at 'em.
* Rachael: You know that Voight-Kampff test of yours? Did you ever take that
* test yourself?
* [No answer.]
* Rachael: Deckard?
* [No answer.]
* [Rachael walks into the room where Deckard is. He has fallen asleep the
* moment he lay down on the sofa holding his drink on his chest.]
* [Rachael looks at Deckard's photos while Deckard sleeps. She takes off her
* jacket and plays some music on the piano.]
You say, "Bad as William Shatner."
* [Deckard wakes up to the sound of the piano music. Rachael lets her hair
* down. Deckard slowly gets up, accidentally knocking and spilling the
* bottle of Tsing Tao. He joins Rachael at the piano.]
* Deckard: I dreamt music.
* Rachael: [Plays music] I didn't know if I could play. I remember lessons.
* I don't know if it's me ... or Tyrell's niece.
(Row 1) Pache chuckles in agreement
* Deckard: You play beautifully.
* [Deckard kisses Rachael on the cheek. He wants to kiss her on the mouth,
* but she suddenly gets nervous, gets up, grabbing her jacket and walks
* quickly towards the door. Deckard reaches for her, but she has gone past
* him. He runs after her and as she opens the door, he slams it shut with
* his fist. He grabs her roughly by the arms and pushes her against the
* blind. He stretches his hands out to her face and she momentarily backs
* away, making Deckard realise he is being rough. He slowly puts his hands
* instead behind her and leans forward to gently kiss Rachael on the lips.
* She responds, but is still confused.]
* Deckard: Now you kiss me.
* Rachael: I can't rely on m-
* Deckard: Say, "Kiss me."
* Rachael: Kiss me.
* [He kisses her and she kisses back.]
* Deckard: I want you.
* Rachael: I want you.
* Deckard: Again.
* Rachael: I want you.
* Rachael: [Unprompted] Put your hands on me.
* [Rachael then kisses Deckard and they finally kiss passionately without
* restraint. The scene continues lovingly, but we don't see it.]
* -- / --
* [Cityscape. Pill popping lady.]
* [J. F. Sebastian's apartment. Pris is applying airbrush black eye makeup
* to herself. A cuckoo clock chimes six times. Pris cartwheels around.
* Sebastian is sleeping in a chair, surrounded by his 'friends'. Pris sniffs
* him. Kaiser Wilhelm is not asleep, but is locked in a mouthbrace and looks
* nervous. Pris looks into a stereoscope. Sebastian wakes up.]
* Sebastian: Whatcha doin'?
* Pris: Sorry, just peeking.
* Sebastian: Oh.
* Pris: [Red-eyed] How do I look?
* Sebastian: You- you look better.
* Pris: Just better?
* Sebastian: [Shyly] Well, you look beautiful.
* Pris: Thanks.
* [Roy approaches Sebastian's apartment from the elevator.]
* Pris: How old are you?
* Sebastian: Twenty-five.
* Pris: What's your problem?
* Sebastian: Methuselah syndrome.
* Pris: What's that?
* Sebastian: My glands - they grow old too fast.
* Pris: Is that why you're still on Earth?
* Sebastian: Yeah. I couldn't pass the medical. Anyway, I kinda like it here.
* Pris: I like you ... just the way you are. [Looks up] Hi Roy!
* [Sebastian looks round, startled.]
* Roy: Ah. Gosh. You really got some nice toys here.
* Pris: [To Sebastian] This is the friend I was telling you about. [To Roy]
* This is my savior, J. F. Sebastian.
* Roy: Sebastian. I like a man that stays put. You live here all by
* yourself, do you?
* Sebastian: Yes.
* [Roy and Pris kiss. The Roy-Pris-kiss embarrasses Sebastian.]
* Sebastian: How about some breakfast. I was just gonna make some. [Gets up
* and leaves.]
* Pris: Well?
* Roy: Leon... [Roy finds the emotions difficult.]
* Pris: What's going on?
* Roy: I... There's only two of us now.
* Pris: Then we're stupid and we'll die.
* Roy: [Smiles] No we won't.
* -- / --
* [Boiling eggs. Roy and Pris hang out while Sebastian prepares breakfast.
* Roy finds Sebastian's chessboard in mid-game and moves a piece.]
* Sebastian: No. Knight takes Queen, see? Won't do.
* [Roy sits down at chessboard and plays.]
* Roy: Why are you staring at us, Sebastian?
* Sebastian: 'Cause ... you're so different. You're so perfect.
* Roy: Yes.
* Sebastian: What generation are you?
* Roy: [Sits with Pris] Nexus 6.
* Sebastian: Ah, I knew it. 'Cause I do genetic design work for the Tyrell
* Corporation. There's some of me in you. Show me something.
* [Note, a cuckoo clock is heard chiming six times in the background.
* Sebastian has lots of clocks, so it may not be the same one as before...]
* Roy: Like what?
* Sebastian: Like anything.
* Roy: We're not computers, Sebastian. We're physical.
* Pris: I think, Sebastian ... therefore I am.
* Roy: Very good Pris, now show him why.
* [Pris cartwheels back to the boiling eggs. She sticks her hand in and
* grabs one, then throws it to Sebastian who has to drop it, because it is
* too hot for him to hold.]
* Roy: We've got a lot in common.
* Sebastian: What do you mean?
* Roy: Similar problems.
* Pris: Accelerated decrepitude.
* Sebastian: I don't know much about biomechanics, Roy. I wish I did.
* Roy: If we don't find help soon, Pris hasn't got long to live. I can't
* allow that. [Looks at chessboard] Is he good?
* Sebastian: Who?
* Roy: Your opponent.
* Sebastian: Oh, Dr. Tyrell? I've only beaten him once in chess. He's a
* genius. [Looks at Pris] He designed you.
* [Pris sits on edge of snooker table with a plate of food.]
* Roy: Maybe he could help.
* Sebastian: I'd be happy to mention it to him. Sure.
* Roy: [Stands, grips Sebastian's shoulder.] Better if I talk to him in
* person. From what I understand he's a sort of hard man to get to. [Roy
* guides Sebastian over to Pris.]
* Sebastian: Yes. Very. [Pris wraps her legs and arms around him.]
* Roy: Will you help us?
* Sebastian: I can't.
* Pris: We need you, Sebastian. You're our best and only friend.
* [Sebastian feels the pressure. He can't refuse.]
* Roy: [Holds large glass eyeballs in front of his own eyes and does a comic
* face and voice] We're so happy you found us.
* [Pris and Sebastian laugh.]
* Pris: I don't think there's another human being in the whole world who
* would have helped us. [Kisses Sebastian on the cheek]
* [Sebastian walks off - perhaps to ponder what the expression being between
* the devil and the deep blue sea means? Pris and Roy exchange looks - on to
* the next stage of the mission.]
* -- / --
* [Tyrell Towers. Roy and Sebastian ascend in an external elevator. It
* stops. Tyrell is in bed in his papal bedroom and the owl looks on -
* clearly he doesn't have a long commute.]
* Tyrell: 66,000 Prosser & Ankopitch. Hmm... Trade. Trade at--
* Computer: Blue entry. A Mr J. F. Sebastian. 1-6-4-1-7.
* Tyrell: At this hour? What can I do for you Sebastian?
* Sebastian: Queen to Bishop six. Check.
* Tyrell: Nonsense! Just a moment. [Gets out of bed] Mmmm. [Goes to his
* chessboard] Queen to Bishop six. Ridiculous. [Sits at board] Queen. [Moves
* Queen] Bishop six. Mmmm... Knight ... takes ... Queen. [pause] What's on
* your mind Sebastian? What are you thinking about?
* Roy: [Sotto voce to Sebastian] Bishop to King seven. Checkmate.
* Sebastian: Bishop to King seven. Checkmate, I think.
* Tyrell: Got a brainstorm, huh, Sebastian? Milk and cookies kept you awake,
* huh? Let's discuss this. You better come up, Sebastian.
* [Elevator continues its ascent. Red-eye owl looks on as Sebastian
* nervously opens the door to Tyrell's room.]
* Sebastian: Mr Tyrell? I... I brought a friend.
* Tyrell: I'm... surprised you didn't come here sooner.
* Roy: It's not an easy thing to meet your Maker.
* Tyrell: And, what can He do for you?
* Roy: Can the Maker repair what He makes?
* Tyrell: Would you... like to be modified?
* Roy: [To Sebastian] Stay here. [Walks forward alone to Tyrell] I had in
* mind something a little more radical.
* Tyrell: What... what seems to be the problem?
* Roy: Death.
* Tyrell: Death? Well, I'm afraid that's a little out of my jurisdiction.
* You--
* Roy: I want more life, fucker!
* Tyrell: The facts of life. To make an alteration in the evolvement of an
* organic life-system is fatal. A coding sequence cannot be revised once
* it's been established.
* Roy: Why not?
* Tyrell: Because, by the second day of incubation, any cells that have
* undergone reversion mutations give rise to revertant colonies, like ...
* rats leaving a sinking ship. Then the ship ... sinks.
* Roy: What about E.M.S. recombination?
* Tyrell: We've already tried it. Ethyl Methane Sulfonate is an alkylating
* agent and a potent mutagen - it created a ... virus so lethal, the ...
* subject was dead before he left the table.
* Roy: Then a repressor protein that blocks the operating cells.
* Tyrell: Wouldn't obstruct replication, but it does give rise to an error
* in replication so that the ... newly formed DNA strand carries a mutation
* and you've got a virus again. [Roy sits down.] But, uh, this... all of
* this is ... academic. You were made as well as we could make you.
* Roy: But not to last.
* Tyrell: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you
* have burned so very, very brightly, Roy. Look at you. You're the prodigal
* son. You're quite a prize! [Roy bows his head. Tyrell sits down next to
* Roy and smoothes his furrowed brow.]
* Roy: I've done ... questionable things.
* Tyrell: Also extraordinary things. Revel in your time!
* Roy: [Looks at Tyrell] Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in
* heaven for.
* [Roy takes Tyrell's head in his hands and kisses him on the mouth. Roy
* squeezes his hands together, Tyrell's skull cracks like dry wood. Tyrell
* screams and Roy gouges Tyrell's eyes with his thumbs. The owl looks on
* impassively and Sebastian looks on in horror as Roy's face contorts with a
* multitude of emotions while taking the life of his 'maker'.]
* [Sebastian whimpers audibly.]
* Roy: Sorry, Sebastian. Come. Come.
* [Sebastian runs, but he has zero chance of escaping from a top combat
* replicant.]
* [The elevator contains only Roy as he descends from the Heavens above,
* pondering his actions and his limited future.]
* -- / --
* [Deckard in his streetcar. Police radio chattering in background.]
* [Deckard parks in a run-down area, because of a call from Bryant. A small
* street gang approach his car. There is a police spinner hovering in the
* distance around the corner.]
* Vandal: Jemand hat uns ein kleines Geschenk dagelassen.
* Vandal: Ist jemand drinnen?
* Vandal: Ich kann nichts sehen. Hey, warte bis die Bullen weg sind! Hey,
* warte bis die Bullen weg--
* Bryant: ... body identified with Tyrell is a 25-year-old male Caucasian.
* Name, Sebastian. J. F. Sebastian. Address: Bradbury apartments, Ninth
* Sector. NF46751. I want you to go down there--
* Policeman: This sector's closed to ground traffic. What are you doing here?
* Deckard: I'm workin', what are you doin'?
* Policeman: Arresting you. That's what I'm doing.
* Deckard: I'm Deckard. Blade Runner. Two-sixty-three-fifty-four. I'm filed
* and monitored.
* Policeman: Hold on. Checking... [pause] Okay, checked and cleared. Have a
* better one. [Police spinner leaves.]
* [Deckard dials up Sebastian's phone on his in-board computer.]
* Pris: [On vidscreen] Hello?
* Deckard: Hi, is J. F. there?
* Pris: Who is it?
* Deckard: Uh, this is Eddie ... old friend of J. F.'s.
* [Pris disconnects.]
* Deckard: Ooh. That's no way to treat a friend.
* [Deckard hears noises on top of his car. He drives off leaving the
* scavengers tumbling behind, but they have managed to pull something off
* his roof, which they promptly fight over.]
* Vandal: Scheikerl!
* Vandal: Gib` das sofort her!
* Vandal: Hau ab!
* -- / --
* [Deckard drives to the Bradbury Building. Inside Sebastian's apartment,
* Pris is disguising herself as a mannequin. Deckard enters building. Sees
* blimp up through the atrium. He goes up the stairs. He cautiously
* approaches the open door of the apartment with blaster ready.]
* Kaiser and Bear: Home again, home again, jiggedy-jig. [Deckard enters]
* Good evening J. F.
* Kaiser: [Bumps into doorpost] Mnmph!
* [Pris, the mannequin, rolls eyes up and smiles slightly. Sebastian's
* toyfriends are noisy as Deckard searches between them. He approaches Pris
* with caution, pulls her veil off. Suddenly she attacks and proceeds to
* beat him up in esoteric ways (including somersaults and a leg-squeeze
* trick). But before she gets around to finishing him off, she carelessly
* leaves him lying within grabbing distance of his blaster, which he grabs
* and uses to blow holes in her. She thrashes manically before expiring.]
* [Roy returns via the elevator. He has heard the shots. Deckard has heard
* the elevator. Deckard finds a firing position. Roy enters and finds the
* dead Pris. He kisses her. He then walks through the apartment ... Deckard
* shoots, but Roy has sensed him and moves too fast.]
* Roy: Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. I thought you were
* supposed to be good. Aren't you the good man? Come on ... Deckard. Show me
* .. what you're made of.
* [Deckard is looking for Roy, blaster up. Roy's hand breaks through a
* dividing wall and grabs Deckard's blaster hand, pulling it back through.]
* Roy: Proud of yourself, little man?
* [Roy removes the blaster from Deckard's grip.]
* Roy: [Breaks Deckard's little finger] This is for Zhora!
* Deckard: Argh!
* Roy: [Breaks Deckard's second finger] This is for Pris.
* Deckard: Waargh!
* [Roy places the blaster back in Deckard's mangled hand and lets it go.]
* Roy: Come on, Deckard. I'm right here, but you've gotta shoot straight.
* [Deckard shoots through the hole in the wall and just catches Roy's ear as
* he dodges.]
* Roy: Straight doesn't seem to be good enough! Now it's my turn. I'm gonna
* give you a few seconds before I come. One... two...
* [Deckard runs. Roy returns to Pris.]
* Roy: Three... four... [crying] Pris... [Paints his face with blood from
* Pris.]
* [Roy's crying becomes more animalistic. Deckard stops to deal with his
* broken fingers.]
* Deckard: [As he bends his fingers back] Aaarrghhh...
* [Roy responds to Deckard's scream by howling like a wolf.]
You say, "This is the good part!"
* Roy: [Laughs, then singing ] I'm cominnng... Deckard! ... Four, five. How
* to stay alive?
* [Roy has stripped down to shorts. Deckard tries to escape up an armoire
* through a hole in the ceiling. Drops his gun. Roy is running around madly,
* laughing.]
* Roy: [Spots Deckard] I can see you! [Howls]
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "TEARS IN RAIN"
* [Deckard goes up through ceiling into bathroom that is partially open to
* the elements - it is raining heavily.]
* Roy: [Fingers are cramping shut again.] Bitte. Not ... yet. Not...
Cabal (This is going to hurt like hell) has disconnected.
* [Roy pulls nail out of floor and sticks it through his hand. It has the
* desired result. Deckard is busy bandaging his fingers.]
* Roy: Yes!
(Row 1) Dr.J notes that line was ad-libbed by Rutger Hauer.
(Row 1) Pache says, "time... to die"
* [Roy puts head through wall into room where Deckard is standing.]
* Roy: You better get it up! Or I'm gonna have to kill ya! Unless you're
* alive, you can't play, and if you don't play... [chokes]
* [Deckard grabs a pipe off the wall. Roy comes in.]
* Roy: Six ... seven! Go to hell or go to heaven!
(Row 1) Pache says, "but, not very sportsman's like!"
* Deckard: [Deckard whacks Roy with the pipe. And again.] Go to hell!
* Roy: Argh! [Grabs pipe] Good! That's the spirit!
* [Deckard flees through loft where birds are roosting and out of window
* onto ledge. He follows it around. Roy howls then breaks through different
* window in front of Deckard.]
* Roy: That hurt! That was irrational of you. Not to mention ...
* unsportsmanlike. [Deckard starts to climb up the side of the ornately
* decorated building.] Heh heh...ha ha ha! Where are you going?
* [Deckard climbs up in desperation. Roy laughs then takes pleasure from the
* rain falling on his face. He goes in. Deckard climbs, using up the last of
* his energy to pull himself onto the roof. After recovering slightly,
* Deckard gets up and looks for escape - he runs towards a trapdoor, but Roy
* comes through it (clutching dove in one hand). Deckard runs and tries to
* jump to the next building, but he hasn't enough strength left to
* completely make it and just manages to grab on to a protruding girder. Roy
* looks on. He then thinks (Dove pose) then jumps across the gap easily. He
* looks down on Deckard.]
* Roy: Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to
* be a slave.
* [Deckard's grip slowly fails until he lets go. As he drops he spits at
* Roy. Roy catches him by the wrist.]
* Roy: Kinship!
* [Roy lifts Deckard up and throws him on the roof. Deckard can now do
* nothing more. Roy sits.]
* Roy: I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire
* off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the
* Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost ... in time ... like
* tears ... in rain. Time ... to die.
* [Roy's head bows. The dove flies away. Deckard watches Roy die.]
Cabal has connected.
Cabal (Your fame will destroy you) shakes her head as she awakes.
* [Gaff's spinner arrives in the background.]
* Gaff: You've done a man's job, Sir. I guess you're through, huh?
* Deckard: Finished.
* [Gaff throws Deckard's blaster to him and walks away, but then stops a
* moment.]
* Gaff: It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?
* -- / --
You say, "THE SPEECH!"
* [Deckard's apartment. His door is not shut. Deckard enters warily, blaster
* ready.]
* Deckard: Rachael? [Deckard enters] Rachael?
* [Deckard sees Rachael unmoving under bed covers. He uncovers her face,
* then kisses her cheek. She is alive - his kiss awakens his Sleeping
* Beauty.]
* Deckard: Do you love me?
* Rachael: I love you.
* Deckard: Do you trust me?
* Rachael: I trust you.
* [Another kiss.]
* -- / --
* [Deckard walks out into corridor, checking nobody is hiding]
* [Deckard calls elevator. Then beckons Rachael who hurries out. Her foot
* knocks over something shiny as she passes. Deckard almost doesn't notice,
* but the anomaly triggers his detective senses and he turns to pick up the
* object. He holds up the origami unicorn made of tinfoil.]
* Gaff (memory): It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?
* [He crumples the unicorn and nods enigmatically. Then turns to leave with
* Rachael in the elevator. Elevator doors shut.]
* Based on "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" - Phillip K. Dick
Neysa (!!OOM) claps wildly!
* - David Peoples
(Row 1) Dr.J claps wildly!
(Row 1) Pache claps
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE END * * * * * * ** * * * * * *
(Row 1) berger applauds.
Cabal (Too tired today to hate) claps wildly!
(Row 1) Pache says, "what an epic film!"
Neysa says, "that was excellent!"
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "thanks for staying and watching, everyone!"
(Row 1) Pache says, "Certainly a great showing requiring memories... memorias of having watched it many, many times....."
Neysa says, "Time for bed. Goodnight good people."
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "in 10 years time we'll have to show Ready PLayer ONe!"
(Row 1) berger says, "That was actually the first time I've ever seen the movie, in any form..."
(Row 1) Melchyor applauds extatically!
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "thanks Neysa!"
(Row 1) Dr.J has to eat.
You say, "Director's ct. Good."
(Row 1) Pache says, "thanks so much Dr. J!!!"
(Row 1) berger says, "Ready Player One, or the BBS documentary from a few years ago? :)"
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "oh yes, I forgot the documentary."
You say, "Thanks again, dr.j."
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "there's actually a 16mm film from 2000 or so where BayMOO is scrolling in the background."
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "Desmond_Crisis was a TV personality back then, and he made sure to put BayMOO on the screen at one point."
(Row 1) berger says, "it has been an honor and a privilege to take part in this little bit of cyber history."
Cabal says, "fabulous! goodnight!!"
Cabal (Time has no beginnings) slinks away to the Lizard Lounge.
Icharus disappears suddenly for parts unknown.
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "thanks for getting a character in time, berger!"
(Row 1) The room seems to grow dimmer. You realize Sirius (woohoo) has disconnected.
(Row 1) Dr.J says, "goodnight everyone! happy birthday BayMOO!"
(Row 1) berger says, "Thanks for approving the request, and keepin all these years."
(Row 1) Dr.J bows.
(Row 1) berger says, "Keeping the lights on all these years, even."
(Row 1) berger picks up camera.
Rk stands up.
(Row 1) berger consults the manual for Generic Video Camera.
Rk goes home.
berger turns off the camera. . .
I don't understand that.
(Row 1) berger removes videotape from camera.
(Row 1) berger write protects videotape.
You say, """""
The housekeeper arrives to cart Sirius (woohoo) off to bed.
You say, "Good night, all. Good night, BayMOO. It was a great party!"
You stand up.
Melchyor bows.
You click your heels three times.
[I tried to look at each participant to record their appearance for posterity, though a couple I missed during the event and peeked at afterwards. Apologies to anyone I missed. — Melchyor]
AngelToes a spiritprogrammer
What happened to this place??
AngelToes's time is Mon Oct 1 18:51:57 2018
AngelToes appears awake and alert.
A middle-aged fellow, tired-looking, with long greying hair. Dressed in black cargo pants and t-shirt, he moves quietly, and looks nervous.
He is awake, but has been staring off into space for 3 minutes.
spare tape
Blade_Runner (#2489) *Metapervert*
A broad husky man with long brown hair in a ponytail, my eyes are cold and desolate an eerie blue color of a frozen river in winter. He wears a gold hoop earring in his left ear.
Blade_Runner appears to be dead on his feet.
Hershey's kiss hot dog
You see a lot of glare off his head.
Is it... Daddy Warbucks?
Is it... Lex Luther?
Is it... Colonel Kurtz?
NO! Its the other bald guy, blast.
He is awake and looks alert.
Cypherpunk Tape Generic Emote Bot
Heads-Up-Display Blaster
blast-cam Generic Shlub
file_utilities Shlavunga
File Utilities legalpad
Cabal (#11133) *America is the home of the hypocrite.*
You see a brilliantly coloured green iguana with patches of orange, deep black stripes and glowing yellow-flecked eyes sitting on the shoulder of a tall, dark-haired woman.
The iguana cocks its head curiously, watching you, and sticks its tongue out nonchalantly. It sees you looking at its owner and conveys this action telepathically to her; she lets the iguana decide if it wants to talk as she speaks and listens through it... Have you ever talked to a lizard before??
There is a plain silver ring on her right hand, but it shimmers strangely.
Cabal (Beastmaster) appears to be dead on her feet.
HTML Cabal's Misc. Features
Art-Crime Inc. Briefcase Dulces
In a clean white coat he stands, twirling his stethoscope around and around
(it's his favorite toy). He likes finding bugs and helping people make their
coding dreams come true. (There's nothing like having your favorite object
run the way you like it.) He has a button on his coat that reads:
Dr.J D.M.S. (Doctor of MOO Science).
He is awake and looks alert.
Black Box One-time password utilities
translucent jellyfish MOOvie Ticket
wishing globe Blade Runner Script
Old BayMOO News Articles bay25-tape
Inanna a spiritprogrammer
You see before you yet another wandering spirit of the moo, not so very different from the others.
Inanna's time is Mon Oct 1 19:01:44 2018
Inanna seems awake and alert.... but you can't be sure.
Enki Cloak
Note #10608
[+][bob] Jed (#21514)
Jed appears to be dead on his feet.
Bizarre Time Warp ehome
random poem
Apprentice Melchyor of Supercomputer Center.
{This Player is wearing an Amulet of the Cybermage Order}
You see a grubby, haggard man. His face is unshaven and his white hair is unkempt. His hands are grimy. His clothes are mismatched, ill-fitting, and unlaundered.
He is awake and looks alert.
Generic Timepiece cybergrimoire
Apprentice Neysa of Dank Dark Cave.
{This Player is wearing an Amulet of the Cybermage Order}
There she stands, as pretty a little mare as you have ever seen. Her coat is glossy black, except for white socks on her hind feet, one rising higher than the other. Her mane falls to the right side, ebony-sleek, and her tail is like the tresses of a beautiful woman. Her hooves glisten like pearl, dainty and perfectly formed. She has a Roman nose, convex rather than straight or concave, but in nice proportion. Her horn is a spiraled marvel of ivory symmetry.
She is sleeping.
An older resident, coming back for a visit.
It is awake and looks alert.
This guest is connected from
A quiet and contemplative man in his mid fifties, with a close trimmed beard, sandy blond hair, and weathered features.
This time of year he's probably wearing wool sweaters, heavy boots, and a felt hat, living deep in the Seirra Nevada mountains. As he catches your glance he smiles warmly and offers you a drink.
He is awake and looks alert.
Snifter of Rum Seaweed Salad
worn ring Umbrella-Drink
A smiling red-haired man in his early 30's, Pathfinder is a dissertation
away from finishing gradual school and finally entering the (shudder)
real world. He is always ready for a beer, and is usually seen with
a frisbee or two, trying to scare up a game. Anything but work ;^)
He is awake and looks alert.
MOOvie Ticket
CyberMage Psyche of Psyche's Cozy Burrow.
{This Player is wearing an Amulet of the Cybermage Order}
Just ask...
She is sleeping.
book of blinken hello
A Magic Butterfly of friendship and caring.
Rk is a hippie trapped in the wizard outfit. He has a glazed look about him, his hair is a mess (looking like he just got up), unshaven, and trying to spread his peace, love, and happiness to the four corners of the universe. Rk wears a multicolored robe that changes color depending on which way the light is hitting it. Unlike most wizards, Rk has a green backpack which he stores most of the stuff he owns. Sometimes he wears his matching pointed hat, sometimes he doesn't.
He is awake, but has been staring off into space for a minute.
backpack easter egg 3
RK's Clipboard easter egg 2
Rk's mind easter egg 4
bag BayMOO Research & Development MOO Open
Happy Fun Ball Rk's Spare Mind
Ed (the pet rock) Sense of Humor
Liberty Simple
easter egg 1
You see a player who should type '@describe me as ...'.
He is awake, but has been staring off into space for 6 minutes.
Cybermage Shadow_RAM of The Video Card.
{This Player is wearing an Amulet of the Cybermage Order}
{As one of the Four Horsemen he also wears the Ring of Death and War}
He's an average young adult. About 6 foot tall, brown hair, and blue eyes. However this is something slightly odd about him, the air around him seems to be "charged" with electricity. Appliances and any other electrical devices seem to go haywire or behave oddly around him. Hmm, that's odd he seems to float a few inches off the ground, and for that matter he's surrounded by a faint blue aura. The air also seems to smell faintly of ozone. Maybe he's not so average after all...
"Don't try to reach me, 'cause I'd tear up your mind I've seen the future and I've left it all behind" -Supernaut
"You cannot touch me, you would not dare, I am the chill that's in the air." -The Small Hours
"Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream. It is not dieing, it is not dieing." -Tommorow Never Knows
He is awake, but has been staring off into space for an hour.
The Great Sword Theta Tau Hammer
Ring of Death and War Sack of Doorknobs
SR's Metallica Feature Torch
Wooden Stake Obj. #678
Angus Doll BFG-9000
Generic BayMOO Beacon test
DJL Catalog Fish Food
Janitoral Broom Dark Red Rose
SR Porter v4.6 Dek
JourneyMan Shenka of The Hut.
{This Player is wearing an Amulet of the Cybermage Order}
Two red horns and a long pointy tail extrude from this huge grey-green kumquat. Its face is composed of a pair of large glowing eyes that burn right through you. Beneath these, where the mouth should be, is a flashy set of fangs. A bit of drool drips from the one on the left.
Sadly, this was the result of a bizzare gardening accident. To see what I was before, try researching me.
She is awake and looks alert.
Shenka's Tricks milk and cookies
Frog and Toad TeddyBear
shrimp is dressed in a long mauve dress with a high neck and long sleeves. Small buttons down the front are the only decoration. Her hair is looped up and held with a simple gold clasp. She is smiling.
She is awake and looks alert.
MOObreak crystal rose
shrimp's center Birthday Kit
Big Hammer Big Bad Badge (being worn)
generic journey exit unpacker
Ketchup Bottle Michigan J. Frog
8-ball Sea Flower
notes Demon Slayer Sake
Janitorial Broom Sake Cup
shrimp-cake Generic Menorah
Daffodil Tri-tip Sandwich
Wizard Utilities Rubber Duck
NOTE rib
hat firecracker
Sirius (#4057) *MetaStar*
The dog star decided to take the form of the tragic goddess, Arachne. A petite woman, her straight black hair reaches past her waist. She wears a dress made out of a fine, silky black material that conforms to her shape. Her grey eyes sparkle, but at sometimes reveal a profound sadness.
A bright green light shines from her eyes.
a red rose note
Birthday Card Thing's Handy box of quotes
stardust cage of birds
Psychedelic Rhinestone-Studded Six-Cylinder BATF Approved Feature Object
He comes and goes like a storm. Not really, but that sounds cool.
He is awake, but has been staring off into space for 25 minutes.
Schedule beer
Marlboro Red's MasterFO
wow Bay Bike
thing tv