#AREA Brave Land~ #VERSION 1 #AUTHOR Fairburn~ #RANGES 40 100 40 100 $ #RESETMSG myriad of strange feelings echoing inside your head ...~ #FLAGS 4 15 #ECONOMY 0 54534000 #CLIMATE 0 0 0 #MOBILES #70000 First Mob~ mob~ Mob ~ ~ 1 0 0 C 0 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #70003 frog frogman man~ Frogman~ A Frogman is here, lurking .. ~ A man + a frog = a frogman, he likes to fight, but he''s not evil. just a plain hobbyist in combating ... and listening to jazz music. ~ 35 2 -300 C 80 0 -100 1d1+1349 1d1+45 150000 0 112 112 0 18 16 14 14 16 13 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 1 1 4 45 45 0 135 11264 0 169869808 524291 #70008 oldman old man teller story storyteller strange~ a strange old man~ An old man who tells story is here, in his solitude ~ An old man of experience indeed he is ... you don''t know why, but you feel something strange about him. better beware .. ~ 3 0 -100 C 85 0 -150 1d1+1799 1d1+50 0 0 112 112 0 18 20 20 15 16 20 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 1 1 4 50 50 0 1048576 11264 0 372244640 524331 > act_prog p looks at you.~ say you shouldn''t have come here ... this i tell you .. ~ | #70010 gate keeper ishitori~ Ishitori~ The Gate Keeper stands here firmly ~ A solemn being, he is a source of mystery. a respectable being, he is a source of honour. an Ishitori ... ~ 3 4194984 1000 C 90 0 -125 1d1+2499 1d1+50 250000 0 112 112 1 20 18 13 15 15 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 4 50 50 0 7 3072 0 1073742320 524299 > greet_prog 100~ say who is the one who will wake the temple of Rahxephon ? ~ > speech_prog orin~ if ispc($n) say You are right ... mpoload 70010 give key $n say here''s your key to freedom .. endif ~ > greet_prog 100~ if ispc($n) say ... say if you can answer my question, i shall let you pass .. endif ~ | #70015 ryuga traveller man traveling travel~ Ryuga~ A traveller is here, looking confused. ~ A confused traveller. You may wonder how he got here on the first place. But looking at his eye, you can see an aura of bravery and valor. A true adventurer he is, no less than that. ~ 3 4194856 0 C 80 0 -120 1d1+1499 1d1+45 0 0 112 112 1 18 16 13 15 15 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 1 3 49 45 0 256 3075 0 268435824 526339 > rand_prog 25~ say I am Ryuga, and i am confused ... ~ | #70020 Ramune flow guardian man cool cold~ Ramune~ A cool looking man is here, guarding the flow down. ~ A cool man, as cold as ice, but he is a responsible being. You can see it through his eyes. ~ 3 -1874329048 0 C 80 0 -110 1d1+1699 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 1 18 16 13 16 15 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 3 50 45 0 0 3074 0 16688 524291 > greet_prog 100~ say i must warn you that this flow is dangerous ... smile $n ~ | #70022 Ghidorah liquid creature~ Ghidorah~ A liquid creature is here, attacking you ~ A liquid creature, fierce and beasty! Ruuuuunnn!! ~ 35 -1874329048 -1000 C 80 0 -150 1d1+1999 1d1+49 0 0 112 112 0 20 16 13 17 17 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 12 3 0 0 1 1 3 45 45 0 2 3074 0 79 11 > fight_prog 25~ say Die!! you Die!! you scum!! ~ | #70024 man strange village oldstyle~ a village man~ A strange village man is here, waiting for someone ~ A man of trouble we can say it like that. he''s not evil, but he is sensitive. ~ 3 0 1000 C 80 0 -125 1d1+1999 1d1+40 0 0 112 112 0 18 17 13 13 15 13 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 2 40 40 0 0 3072 0 134218160 524291 > act_prog p looks at you.~ say What are you looking at ?!?!???!! mpkill $n say now i''ll kill you! ~ | #70027 rahxephon priest low class~ A Rahxephon Temple Low Priest~ A priest is here, standing solemnly ~ He is a young man, but chose Rahxephon temple as his devotion. Truly a man of sanctuity. ~ 3 4194440 1000 C 81 0 -100 1d1+999 1d1+39 250000 0 112 112 1 18 13 13 15 16 13 15 -2 0 -3 0 -2 0 3 0 0 1 1 3 35 40 1 0 3072 0 432 524295 > greet_prog 100~ say what the soul is, the soul itself knows not ... say ... if isevil($n) say please sir, return to your holy path as a creature of the One. else if isneutral($n) say you still have some time to change sir, beware of Karma. else say you are a true and straight being. may glory be with you ... endif endif ~ | #70034 bush monster mandra~ Mandra~ A Bush Monster is here, glaring arround. ~ He is a creature of bush. He was born as a result of nature imbalance. He is an evilic being and no less than that. EVIL. ~ 35 272630312 -1000 C 80 0 -100 1d1+1349 1d1+44 500000 0 112 112 1 18 13 13 15 13 13 15 -5 -1 -1 -4 -1 26 3 0 0 1 1 2 45 45 65545 0 3073 0 135266415 524291 > rand_prog 50~ say GRRRR HHH ... GRRHHHH .... GRHHHH!!! grin ~ | #70040 joko weapon seller~ Joko~ Joko, The weapon seller is here, standing firmly. ~ A happy fella who sells weapon from heaven. You may wonder where did he get these godly stuff. rumors said that he has a secret channel that linked him to the gods house of arsenal. ~ 67108867 4194984 1000 C 90 0 -100 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 1 18 17 13 13 13 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 30 40 0 0 1060359 0 0 0 > greet_prog 100~ say Welcome to my small weapon shop! The one and only in Brave Land! say I will surely serve your needs noble master. ~ | #70041 Frutelia seller girl~ Frutelia~ A Seller girl is here selling foods ~ A beautiful girl, pitty she lives in such a rural way. She has the fairest cheek and chin in all realms. Silky long black hair beckoning you to reach. ~ 67108867 4194984 0 C 90 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 2 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > greet_prog 100~ say welcome to my nature product shop sir, say take a look at my collection. ~ | #70058 rantaro guardian guard man~ Rantaro~ A man is guarding this western square. ~ A big man with firm grip of his whole body systems. A real man. ~ 1 37749288 0 C 80 0 -110 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 1 19 16 13 15 14 13 13 -3 0 -3 -3 -2 0 3 0 0 1 1 3 48 45 0 0 3073 0 268435824 524299 > greet_prog 100~ say welcome to the western square of the temple. smile $n ~ | #70061 mutsu young priest~ Mutsu~ A young priest is here, standing solemnly. ~ A young priest, well built body, and apparently has a great combat skill. A considerable fighter to take. ~ 3 4194856 1000 C 75 0 -100 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 1 18 16 13 16 15 13 14 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 20 0 0 1 1 2 40 45 0 512 3072 0 496 524291 > rand_prog 20~ say what the soul is, the soul itself knows not ... ~ | #70063 raiga eastern guardian guard man~ Raiga~ A man guarding the eastern entrance is here. ~ A man of good form, but he seems to look like a bird. ~ 3 272630312 0 C 83 0 -110 1d1+1499 1d1+49 0 0 112 112 1 19 16 13 16 15 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 3 45 45 0 0 3585 0 2097584 524291 > greet_prog 100~ say welcome to the eastern square of the temple. ~ | #70064 Fierce Cat thief~ A fierce cat~ A fierce cat is here, glaring around. ~ A fierce cat, no less than that. ~ 35 33554472 -500 C 79 0 -100 1d1+999 1d1+34 75000 0 112 112 0 15 18 13 13 15 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 18 2 0 0 512 512 3 30 30 65545 1048579 3072 0 135266565 7 > rand_prog 50~ say GRHHHH GRHHH ..... GRHHH ... glare ~ | #70065 sishimaru lion man central guardian guard man~ Sishimaru~ A lion man guards the central entrance. ~ ~ 3 71303720 1000 C 85 0 -150 1d1+1999 1d1+54 100000 0 112 112 1 19 16 13 15 16 13 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 513 1 4 49 49 65549 0 3587 0 67109119 524295 #70066 Mpu Tantular repair man old man oldman~ Mpu Tantular~ An old man who can repair things is here, smiling. ~ An old man who can repair many things, no less than that. ~ 67108867 4194984 1000 C 90 0 -300 1d1+4999 1d1+29 500000 0 112 112 0 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 30 30 0 0 3072 0 0 0 #70070 garuda winged beast~ Garuda~ A winged beast is here, standing firmly. ~ A winged beast with iron claws and sharp feathers ... It''s eyes are full with aura of rage and desctruction. This is one creature, we must avoid .. ~ 3 4194856 -1000 C 88 0 -150 1d1+1999 1d1+54 0 0 112 112 0 19 15 13 17 16 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 29 3 0 0 1 1 4 50 50 327681 1048576 3072 0 1049487 2059 > greet_prog 100~ say grrrr ... grrrhhhh .... glare $n ~ | #70075 Genzo Flaming Beast~ Genzo~ A flaming beast is here, snorting!! ~ A fierce creature of fire ... indeed it is, no less than that. ~ 35 37749288 -1000 C 88 0 -175 1d1+1999 1d1+50 2000000 0 112 112 1 19 14 13 17 16 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 29 3 0 0 1 1 4 50 50 9 0 0 0 532751 524819 #70080 Pagoda Elite Guard guardian man~ A Pagoda Guardian~ A pagoda guardian is here, vigilant. ~ A man trained for real close quarter battle, equipped with high combat skills. A maestro in barehand combat! a killing machine!! ~ 3 4194984 1000 C 88 0 -130 1d1+1999 1d1+54 0 0 112 112 1 19 18 13 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 1 4 50 50 1 0 0 0 1073742323 7 > greet_prog 100~ say Welcome to the top level of the pagoda ... smile $n ~ | #70081 reika head warmonk war monk~ Reika~ The Head of the Rahxephon Temple''s war monk is here, standing solemnly. ~ A beautiful woman chosen to lead the war monk squad of the temple. Don''t you dare to underestimate the feminine touch ... ~ 3 12583596 1000 C 93 0 -200 1d1+2499 1d1+59 0 0 112 112 2 19 18 13 17 16 18 15 -2 0 -3 -4 -5 0 20 0 0 1 1 5 60 55 1 2097926 3073 0 67133872 526375 > act_prog p looks at you.~ say I am here noble one ... smile $n mpecho You can not deny Reika''s beauty through that smile ... ~ | #70082 Hatori High Monk War~ Hatori~ A cool high war-monk is here, standing firmly. ~ A cool man, as if he has eaten all the ice cubes on the realm. You swear, he is so cool ... ~ 3 4195112 0 C 82 0 -110 1d1+1449 1d1+44 100000 0 112 112 1 19 15 13 15 16 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 1 3 45 45 0 2 3585 0 368 524299 > greet_prog 100~ smile $n ~ | #70086 jizo altar guard guardian man~ Jizo~ An altar guardian is here, standing firmly. ~ Jizo is a man who guards the eastern altar. His main job is to secure Lady Rahxephia''s chamber, not because she is in danger, but because she can put others in danger. ~ 3 20972076 0 C 83 0 -150 1d1+1799 1d1+46 150000 0 112 112 1 18 16 13 17 17 13 16 -5 0 -5 -2 -1 0 20 0 0 1 1 4 48 45 0 1 2100224 0 66032 524299 > greet_prog 100~ if isevil($n) say please go away from here, it is not your place ... mpkill $n else smile $n endif ~ | #70089 rahxeru~ Rahxeru~ Rahxeru is here, standing firmly. ~ A young master in close quarter battles, Rahxeru! Fear Him!! ~ 3 81789608 1000 C 98 0 -250 1d1+3999 1d1+55 300000 0 112 112 1 18 16 15 16 15 15 15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 20 0 0 1 1 5 50 55 1 1049092 3075 0 373 526343 > greet_prog 100~ smile $n ~ | #70090 Rahxeno~ Rahxeno~ Rahxeno is here, studying solemnly. ~ A young master of true knowledge, Rahxeno! Fear him!! ~ 1 71303720 1000 C 98 0 -200 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 1 18 16 16 16 17 17 19 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 3 0 0 1 1 5 60 60 1 772 3075 0 67110384 526359 > greet_prog 100~ say hello noble one, care to join me in my study? smile $n ~ | #70091 Rahxephim~ Rahxephim~ Rahxephim is here, standing solemnly. ~ A young master of wizardry, Rahxephim! Fear Him!! ~ 1 8389288 1000 C 98 0 -200 1d1+3999 1d1+56 0 0 112 112 1 17 16 13 16 16 13 16 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 55 60 1 8960 3075 0 338301376 524323 > greet_prog 100~ smile $n say You have come this far, I do admire you sire ... bow $n ~ | #70093 Rahxephia~ Rahxephia~ A lady with a lustfull aura is here. ~ ~ 1 100663336 -1000 C 99 0 -100 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 2 18 13 13 16 16 18 13 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 0 3 0 0 1 1 5 60 60 9 770 3073 0 1075319113 524311 > greet_prog 100~ if isgood($n) say Your holy blood is mine!! mpkill $n else say come, ... have some warmth here ... wink $n endif ~ | #70096 Isman Cheresian Dungeon Guard Man~ Isman Cheresian~ A dungeon guard is here, standing firmly. ~ A man whose life has been devoted to guard a dungeon. truly, a man of honour. ~ 3 71303852 -1000 C 94 0 -175 1d1+2199 1d1+50 1000000 0 112 112 1 20 15 13 15 15 13 16 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 0 3 0 0 1 1 4 55 50 0 768 3075 0 2097648 524307 > greet_prog 100~ if isevil($n) say Your soul is mine!! mea $n Cheresian''s Excell Divider shines brightly!! mea $n Cheresian rushes towards you!! mpecho Cheresian rushes towards $n mpkill $n else smile $n endif ~ | #70098 Rahxephon evil~ Rahxephon~ An evil being sits here ~ An evil prodigy of the realm, born in the island of tornadoes, and raised by the cult of chaos. Rahxephon, once a ruler now a prisoner. A charismatic evil being. ~ 3 104858152 -1000 C 100 0 -225 1d1+4999 0d0+0 3000000 0 112 112 1 19 17 13 18 18 19 18 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 29 20 0 0 1 1 5 80 65 1 8454 2100737 0 1952973170 532519 > greet_prog 100~ say ... leave me be ... ~ > fight_prog 50~ say How dare you!! disturbing my solitude ?!!!! glare $n ~ | #70100 Last Mob~ mob~ Mob ~ ~ 1 0 0 C 0 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0 0 112 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #0 #OBJECTS #70000 First Object~ object~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #70001 bright lightning sword~ Bright Lightning~ A sword with blade that resembles the clear sky shines solemnly.~ ~ 5 3080 8193 12 50 10 0 1 1000000 100000 A 13 200 A 12 200 A 18 30 A 19 30 A 3 5 A 4 3 A 1 2 A 31 3 A 2 3 A 5 2 A 25 3 A 26 8 A 26 32 A 28 3072 A 27 7 A 53 100 A 21 -10 A 22 -10 A 14 100 > wear_prog 100~ mea $n _lbl You feel some gentle vibes when you wield the sword ... mea $n _whi You feel much stronger ! say Yes, take me, take me against all evil in this world !! mpforce $n grip mpforce $n hair mer $n Bright Lights surrounds $n as he wield the Bright Lightning. ~ > get_prog 100~ if isgood($n) say You have the right to take me as your arms ... else say To be able to hold me, you have to be righteous .. endif ~ | #70002 mask war warmonk monk~ A War Monk''s Mask~ A war monk''s mask is here, lying solely.~ ~ 9 525312 1048577 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E mask war monk warmonk~ A metal mask used by the warmonks of the rahxephon temple. This mask is the symbol of graduation from the temple. ~ A 25 4 A 5 1 A 3 1 A 26 8388612 A 17 -75 #70003 frog pole~ a Frog Pole~ A unique pole is here, lying solely~ ~ 5 524352 8193 12 20 5 0 1 0 0 E pole frog~ a pole of a frogman ~ A 18 11 A 19 11 > wear_prog 100~ say be a great being !! be a frog !! FROOGGG !! mea $n you hold the Frog Pole steadily .. ~ | #70008 robe ivory storyteller story teller~ a Story Teller''s Ivory Robe~ An ivory robe lies here solely~ ~ 9 66624 1025 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 17 -125 A 2 2 A 5 1 A 25 2 A 23 -5 A 24 -3 A 21 -4 > wear_prog 100~ mea $n you feel much comfortable in this ivory robe ... mea $n you feel a sudden armor formed throughout your veins .. ~ | #70010 key freedom~ a Key to Freedom~ A unique key lies here, solely.~ ~ 18 0 16385 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #70011 stone floating magic~ a flying stone~ A stone strangely floats here ...~ ~ 13 72 0 0 0 0 0 5000 0 0 E stone fly flying magic~ the stone is floating, as if it has an antigravity force that controls it. looking at it, you feel terribly sick .. ~ > exa_prog 100~ if ispc($n) mpdamage $n 25 mea $n ouch ! your stommach suddenly hurts !! endif ~ | #70015 travel back pack backpack~ A travel backpack~ A unique backpack lies here solely.~ ~ 15 524288 524289 200 0 0 12 1 0 0 #70020 sword Furria tundra~ The Furria Tundra~ A sword of thin ice lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 524289 8193 12 40 2 3 1 0 0 A 19 10 A 26 -2147483648 A 26 268435456 A 13 25 A 18 9 #70026 priest fight fighting boots boot~ A Priest Fighting Boots~ A fighting boot lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 525312 65 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 2 3 A 14 125 A 25 1 #70027 robe low rahxephon priest~ A Low Priest Robe~ A priest robe lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 525320 1025 1 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 17 -75 A 12 25 A 24 -5 A 21 -3 #70028 priest pole ~ A Priest Pole~ A priest''s war pole is here, solely.~ ~ 5 525312 8193 12 25 4 8 1 0 0 A 19 9 A 18 10 A 5 1 #70029 red tight shirt fire~ A tight red shirt of fire~ A red shirt is here lying solely.~ ~ 9 525312 9 1 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 17 -100 A 13 35 A 25 2 A 18 10 A 2 1 #70030 sishimaru wing~ A Sishimaru Wing~ A strange wing lies here solely.~ ~ 9 524288 1025 1 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 26 524288 A 5 2 A 31 1 A 25 1 A 17 -30 #70034 bush spear siza~ The Siza~ A unique spear of the bush monster is here, solely.~ ~ 5 524304 8193 12 30 3 3 1 0 0 E siza spear bush~ a unique spear, sharp as a mightiest sword, and has a strong durability. it spreads evilic aura ... ~ A 19 15 A 13 60 A 18 8 > wear_prog 100~ mpforce $n grin say You''re Mine Evil Soul!, and let us be, EVIL! mer $n Red Light surrounds $n as he wield The Siza! ~ | #70039 sword tornader~ The Tornader~ A great sword lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 524288 8193 12 45 2 3 1 7500000 750000 E tornader sword tor~ A sword forged by tornado, a heavenly arms! The Tornader!! ~ A 19 10 A 13 25 A 12 50 #70040 dagger shorja~ The Shorja~ A unique sharp dagger is here, solely.~ ~ 5 524288 8193 12 40 2 11 1 5000000 500000 A 19 10 A 36 5 A 18 8 #70041 Forbidden Fruit~ A Forbidden Fruit~ A forbidden fruit is here, lying solely.~ ~ 19 0 1 200 0 0 0 5 25 2 #70042 Holy Bean~ A Holy Bean~ A holy bean is here, lying solely.~ ~ 19 0 1 150 0 0 0 1 20 2 #70043 stridon boots boot~ The Stridon~ A good looking boot is here, lying solely.~ ~ 9 526336 65 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E stridon boot boots~ a good looking boot, worn by high war monk of rahxephon temple. ~ A 17 -85 A 2 3 A 14 300 A 26 10485792 A 17 -25 A 31 2 #70044 Gordion armor ~ The Gordion~ A good looking armor is here, lying solely.~ ~ 9 526336 9 1 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E gordion armor~ A strange armor made from strange metal elements. The rune covering this armor is significantly strange! ~ A 17 -125 A 1 2 A 5 2 A 20 -15 A 12 100 A 26 67108864 A 25 2 #70045 Intelliguard helm~ Intelliguard~ A good looking helm lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 526336 17 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 17 -100 A 25 3 A 4 3 A 26 8388616 A 12 100 A 23 -15 #70046 Charisguard mask~ Charisguard~ A good looking mask is here, lying solely.~ ~ 9 526336 1048577 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E mask charisguard~ a mask with a very handsome face, rumors tell that this face on the mask is the face of an ancient god, known as Fairbun the First. ~ A 17 -100 A 12 100 A 25 4 A 31 3 A 5 1 A 26 8388616 A 3 4 A 20 -15 #70047 polaris leggings legging leg~ The Polaris~ A good looking leggings is here, lying solely.~ ~ 9 526336 33 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E polaris leg leggings legging~ a leg guard made from strange metal elements. HANDMADE!! ~ A 17 -110 A 2 3 A 12 100 A 26 2097184 A 26 8388608 A 13 75 #70048 Windom Robe~ Windom~ A good looking robe is here, lying solely.~ ~ 9 526336 1025 1 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E windom robe~ This robe is usually worn by the first rank war monk graduated from the famous war temple, Rahxephon. ~ A 17 -125 A 26 10485794 A 13 100 A 12 50 A 25 1 A 2 1 A 5 1 A 22 -10 A 23 -8 #70049 Rah Imu Rod~ The Rod of Rah Imu~ A good looking rod lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 526336 16385 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E rod rah imu~ a good looking rod, made from solid granite slab. no less than that. ~ A 17 -50 A 26 268435456 A 12 150 A 14 100 A 26 8388616 #70050 bracer earth~ Earth Bracer~ A good looking bracer lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 526336 4097 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E earth bracer~ a strong looking bracer, with runes all over it. it is made from solid strange metal elements. ~ A 12 100 A 17 -100 A 5 2 A 31 2 A 1 2 A 26 8388640 #70051 visor earth~ Earth Visor~ A good looking visor lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 526336 131073 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E earth visor~ a metal visor, made from strange metal elements. It is designed in a very comfortable way. ~ A 17 -65 A 26 8388648 A 20 -10 A 4 2 A 26 65536 #70052 anklor ankle anklet~ The Anklor~ A good looking anklet lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 524288 2097153 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E anklor anklet ankle~ An ankle gear designed for comfort and good manueverability. ~ A 17 -100 A 2 2 A 5 1 A 14 200 A 12 100 A 26 8421408 #70053 book earth~ Book of Earth~ A book with strange runes lies here, solely.~ ~ 35 526336 16385 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E book earth~ aksjdhaksjdhas kjahsdkasjdhaksd kajdhsiqwueykjasdhiuqwynmbf akjhdas asdkjhasdoqwe asdkjhasdk oiquweoqiwue oiuqwekjhasdkj qoiwueqowieu oq qwoeiuqwhasdhk asdjh9oqwe awdk j asdoiuqwoeiuqwe qwoiuqwe aqsdjhasgd qweuqywei aiuqwyekjhasd qweyiueryw wejhgasdjhasd qwieuyqwe wieuqyqwe qweiuqwe qweiuyqweiuqwe qweuyqwe qweiuyqwe qweiuyqweiuyiuyfas iuyqw qwoeiu qweoiu fastdrqwe oiqwueqwe qweoiquwe qweiuqweoiquweoiquwe oi qwieuyqwe qweiuyqwei qwieuyqwe c iuyqweiquwey qwueyqwieuyqwe qweiuwqy hanya satu yang pasti, dewa itu ganteng! ~ A 3 5 A 4 3 A 26 8388608 A 13 50 #70054 aurorette robe~ The Aurorette~ A lady''s robe lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 526368 1025 1 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E aurorette robe~ A lady''s robe. It will only fit a woman''s body. ~ A 17 -100 A 5 1 A 13 100 A 12 100 A 26 98304 A 26 2 A 26 8388648 A 22 -10 A 24 -10 A 20 -5 > wear_prog 100~ if sex($n) == 1 mea $n YOU ARE TOO GREEDY! Can''t you see that this is a lady''s robe? mpforce $n yell ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! mpslay $n endif ~ | #70055 Neckton neck guard~ Neckton~ A good looking neck guard lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 526337 5 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 17 -100 A 5 1 A 2 1 A 23 -10 #70058 sword tormunion~ The Tormunion~ A unique broad sword lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 524288 8193 12 49 2 3 1 0 0 A 19 15 A 26 34078720 A 13 25 A 18 15 #70062 sword raiger~ The Raiger~ A unique sword with a bird''s feather on it lies here.~ ~ 5 525312 8193 12 47 2 3 1 1000000 100000 E sword raiger~ a unique sword, with a bird''s feather on it''s end. ~ A 19 15 A 26 524288 A 18 15 #70065 sword hikari~ The Hikari~ A shiny sword lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 525313 8193 12 49 2 3 1 0 0 A 19 13 A 13 30 A 26 67108864 A 26 524288 A 26 4 A 18 13 > wear_prog 100~ mea $n You feel like a lion!! mpecho _whi $n transforms into a Lion Man!! mpforce $n yell Ninpo Sishi Henge! mea $n You transform into a Lion Man!! ~ | #70067 western square key~ The western key~ A key is here, solely.~ ~ 18 524288 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #70070 sword sunriser~ The Sunriser~ A glowing metal sword is here, lying solely.~ ~ 5 527360 8193 12 67 2 3 1 0 0 E sword sun sunraiser~ A broad sword, made of strange metal .. and shines a strange ray. ~ A 19 15 A 2 2 A 13 50 A 12 100 A 14 100 A 20 -10 A 24 -10 A 18 10 #70071 Pagoda guard robe~ A Pagoda Guard''s Robe~ A good looking robe is here, lying on floor.~ ~ 9 526336 1025 1 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E pagoda guard robe~ A metal silk robe, used by the rahxephon''s pagoda guardians. ~ A 17 -150 A 1 1 A 26 8388608 A 21 -6 #70072 eastern square key~ The eastern key~ A key lies here solely~ ~ 18 524288 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #70075 sword solaris~ The Solaris~ A slim shaped sword lies here, burning!!~ ~ 5 524304 8193 12 68 2 3 1 0 0 E sword solaris~ A sword forged by hell''s fire ... a hellish and demonic sword!! ~ A 26 33554432 A 19 15 A 12 150 A 13 25 A 5 1 A 18 9 > wear_prog 100~ mea $n You feel HOT!! HOT!! HOT!! and your cosmos burns optimally! mer $n $n''s body is covered in red flames!! ~ | #70078 central square key~ The central key~ A key lies here, solely.~ ~ 18 524288 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #70080 goldeon hammer~ The Goldeon~ A huge hammer is here, lying solely.~ ~ 5 525312 8193 12 67 2 8 1 0 0 E goldeon hammer~ A huge hammer made from strange metal material only found in braveland. This is the standard weapon for pagoda elite guardians. ~ A 19 20 A 24 -7 A 21 -10 A 18 10 #70081 whip luna~ The Luna~ A beautifully designed whip lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 527360 8193 12 75 2 4 1 0 0 E whip luna~ As you look into this whip''s depth of design, you feel like seeing the beautiful full moon ... ~ A 19 20 A 2 2 A 25 1 A 26 4 A 26 8912896 A 13 25 A 12 50 A 18 10 #70082 robe high war monk~ A high war monk robe~ A good looking robe is here, lying solely.~ ~ 9 525312 1025 1 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E robe war monk high~ a good looking robe, worn only by high level war monks of rahxephon temple. ~ A 17 -100 A 2 1 A 5 1 A 25 2 A 3 1 A 26 16777220 A 24 -7 #70086 sword saviour~ The Saviour~ A unique and beautiful sword is here, lying solely.~ ~ 5 525320 8193 12 63 2 3 1 0 0 E sword saviour~ A sword of heroic aura, no less than that. A sword with heroic beauty, indeed it is. ~ A 1 1 A 19 19 A 26 8912900 A 26 1048576 A 18 10 A 25 1 > wear_prog 100~ mea $n _whi You feel stronger!! stronger!! mpforce $n yell Fear Me!! I shall slay evils!! mer $n $n''s body grows stronger with The Saviour wielded in. ~ | #70088 key rahxephia chamber golden small~ A small golden key~ A small golden key lies here, waiting to be picked up.~ ~ 18 524288 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 E key rahxephia chamber gold~ a small golden key to open lady rahxephia''s chamber. be carefull, this may be dangerous ... ~ #70093 whip Evolver~ The Evolver~ A wicked looking whip is here.~ ~ 5 526352 8193 12 66 2 4 1 0 0 E whip evolver~ This whip is designed for a lady fighter, no doubt about it! ~ A 19 25 A 18 15 A 13 100 A 20 -5 > wear_prog 100~ if sex($n) == 2 mea $n You comfortably wields the mighty evolver in your hand. else mea $n This is a lady''s whip, how dare you to wear this!! mpslay $n endif ~ | #70094 sword sonata~ The Sonata~ A sharp and thin sword lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 524288 8193 12 67 2 4 1 0 0 E sonata sword~ A great sword, a sword for a master combatant!! ~ A 1 3 A 13 75 A 12 50 A 24 -10 A 18 13 A 19 21 > wear_prog 100~ mea $n The Sonata is placed comfortably in your hand. ~ | #70095 overture whip~ The Overture~ A good looking whip lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 526336 8193 12 69 2 4 1 0 0 E whip overture~ A whip made of pure lightning!! ~ A 12 100 A 31 2 A 18 20 A 19 20 A 13 75 #70096 Ceres Black wing winged robe~ Black Winged Robe of Ceres~ A black winged robe lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 524816 1025 1 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 E ceres black winged wing robe~ A dark and menacing black winged robe. It''s origin is from Ceres, the village of the origin. This robe is usually worn by a middle level fighter from Ceres. ~ A 17 -150 A 2 2 A 5 1 A 1 2 A 25 1 A 26 16777216 A 26 524288 A 26 9535488 #70097 sword Prelude~ The Prelude~ A sword greatness lies here, solely.~ ~ 5 526336 8193 12 68 2 3 1 0 0 E sword prelude~ A sword that spreads an aura of greatness and conquest. ~ A 1 3 A 13 75 A 18 21 A 19 21 #70098 sword Lonely Whisper~ The Lonely Whisper~ A sword with a deep and dark aura is here, lying solely.~ ~ 5 524304 8193 12 85 2 3 1 0 0 A 19 25 A 18 13 A 1 3 A 22 -10 A 20 -10 A 23 -10 A 17 -50 #70099 Winged Gauntlets gauntlet~ Winged Gauntlets~ A kind of arm gear lies here, solely.~ ~ 9 526336 257 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 E winged gauntlets gauntlet~ An arm gear made from strange metal material only found in braveland. This arm gear can only be worn by the rahxephon temple''s highest rank war monks. ~ A 17 -80 A 5 3 A 26 40 A 18 13 #0 #ROOMS #70000 A Sudden Change~ A Feeling that you have never felt before suddenly surrounds you ... As you walk through this thinning of trees, your mind and body reacts strangely, leaving your confused mind unguarded ... ~ 0 2097152 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70114 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70001 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you really feel strange, ... and suddenly very tired .. mpdamage $n 50 mea $n ouch ! some strange energy field hit you ! ~ | S #70001 A Strange Path~ This path looks very strange ... winds are blowing, but you can not feel the breeze. The sun above you are shining, but you can not feel the heat. You can feel raindrops on your skin, but you can not see the rain itself. A very small path lies to the southwest. ~ 0 1075838980 3 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70002 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70000 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70011 S #70002 A Strange Path~ The path continues, you still feel the strange auras arround you. you can see leaves moving like if they were blown by the wind, but you realize that there''s no such thing here ... ~ 0 1073741828 3 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70003 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70001 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you shiver ... ~ | S #70003 A Plain of Strangeness~ You are entering a strange plain. This plain is void, but stangely .. you lost your grip of your direction. Strange ... ~ 0 1073741828 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70002 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70006 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70004 S #70004 Further in The Plain~ Strangely you are in the middle of some strange plain .. once again you lost your concentration here .. ~ 0 1073741828 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70003 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70005 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you lost your concentration mpdamage $n 15 ~ | S #70005 A Smaller Path~ Trees are running back, The sun is making a circular motion, and the path shivers like hell when you step on it ! ~ 0 1075838980 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70004 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70006 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70007 E sun~ the sun is making a really weird circular motion in an incredible speed. you feel strange ... ~ > entry_prog 100~ mpdamage $n 10 mea $n you really feel strange ... and sick .. ~ | S #70006 A Smaller Path~ A small path strangely stretches in front of you. You try to concentrate, but failed ... ~ 0 1073741828 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70003 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70005 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n again and again ... you feel sick .. mpdamage $n 10 ~ | S #70007 A Path to The Gate of Freedom~ As you gain your consciousness, you can get a hold on your directions again, and far away, you can see a monstrous shadow in a form of some huge gate .. ~ 0 1073741828 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70008 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70005 S #70008 A Solemn Resting Place~ You enter a place where suddenly you gain all yourself back. You feel firmer and stronger. You can see some big flat stones are placed here neatly. It seems that this place is designed for resting. ~ 0 1075838976 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70007 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70009 S #70009 Nearing The Gate~ The path is getting wider as you approach the monstrous gate. Stones in various sizes are placed neatly along the path. Big ancient trees stand firmly here, with hawks on their branches .. ~ 0 1073741828 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70008 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70010 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel sudden uneasiness .. ~ | S #70010 The Gate of Freedom~ The huge gate appears menacingly, you can not sense anything here. The shadowing form of this gate has put all of your neural system to a complete halt. The gate is made of solid black coal, and strangely it reacts with the air and formed a new strange solid material. Just before the gate, you see a sign made of ebony wood. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70009 D2 ~ gate~ 1063 70010 70012 E sign wood~ This is your decision to fight, not ours ... but first, a test of knowledge, let us know ... ~ S #70011 A strange Stone~ Here you see a floating stone .... A stone big enough to destroy a fortress wall. Beneath the flying stone is a big hole. ~ 0 1073750528 3 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70001 S #70012 A Plain of Smooth Grass~ You are standing on a grassy plain. You feel more alive being here, You can hear the birds singing though you can not see any bird arround. You can feel the warmth of the shining sun though it is covered by blue clouds. A strange sound of a clock ticking can be heard from here. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D0 ~ gate~ 1063 70010 70010 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70013 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you can clearly hear a sound of a ticking clock ... mea $n you begin to feel afraid in this solemnity .. mpdamage $n 13 ~ | S #70013 An Even More Strange Plain~ You are standing on a small plain where bamboos grow and strangely making weird noises. You sense something of great power is hidden arround here. On your feet, you feel like you''re not stepping on the grass you see here, but like stepping on clouds. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70012 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70014 S #70014 A Path of Bamboos~ You walk through a small path. This path makes you feel strangely solemn. A feeling of vague sanctuity. You can see the leaves of the bamboos moving in a certain strange way, drawing their own path. once again you feel strangely weird. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70013 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70015 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel strange breeze on your face ... ~ | S #70015 A Vague Crossroad~ You are standing on a strange crossroad. You feel your eyes are getting blurry. Far to the southwest, you can vaguely see something strange. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70014 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70016 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70018 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70017 S #70016 A slippery path~ The path is covered in thin ice. The cold is killing your mind. Strangely under the thin ice you can see some kind of flaming thing. To the north you see a strange place. You really shouldn''t go there. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70043 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70019 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70015 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n the cold is really killing you ... mpdamage $n 10 ~ | S #70017 A path of granites~ You walk through a wide path, with solid granite slabs placed neatly as it''s floor. You can see beautiful trees and flowers grow along this solemn and tranquil path, leading to a greater aura source. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70015 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70023 S #70018 Thicker Bushes~ You enter some very thick bushes. it is almost as tall as you are. you can not see very clearly in this place, and your skin itches like hell when it makes contact with the bushes. The browny colour of this area makes your eyes very tired. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70015 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70029 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n suddenly you feel lonely ... ~ | S #70019 A path of thin ice~ The path of this thin ice continues to the west. The cold is still a pain for you, but as you walk further, your body begins to adjust to the temperature around here. You can see some cracks on the ice layers. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70016 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70020 E cracks crack~ below the cracks you can see somekind of flaming thing ... ~ S #70020 An end of the icy path~ You are at the end of the icy path. Gazing downward you can see a strange flow of ice-cold water going somewhere. It might be best to prepare yourself before following this path further. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70019 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70021 S #70021 A flow of strange ice~ Ice cold water flows steadily somewhere. You can sense danger here, but at the same time, a tranquility being in the middle of this shiny white frost flow. ~ 0 1075847172 6 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70022 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n the ice cold water touches your skin .. mpforce $n ouch mpdamage $n 10 ~ | S #70022 A whirlpool of strange ice~ A Whirlpool! You are inside a whirlpool! Your skill of an adventurer is your only saviour here. You are doing your best! ~ 0 1075847172 6 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70021 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70044 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n the strong whirlpool effect hurts you! mpdamage $n 100 ~ | S #70023 A path to the Rahxephon Temple~ The granite path continues to the southwest part of the area. You can see a vague form of a building far away. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70017 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70024 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel some uncertainty ... mpforce $n hmm ~ | S #70024 A path to Rahxephon Temple~ Still on the same solemn and tranquil path. You can see some strange people walking arround this place. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70023 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70025 S #70025 A small garden~ A small formation of stone is arranged neatly here. Flowers and beautiful grass grow from the stone cracks, making this garden splendid in nature. Some thin bamboo formation can be seen along the path, making a strange murmuring voice. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70024 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70026 S #70026 Before the Rahxephon Temple~ The path to the big temple stretches to the southern part of the path. Some unique stone formation can be seen here. You wonder if they form a certain pattern. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70028 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70027 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70025 S #70027 A solemn tree~ This place is so solemn, giving you much tranquility and peaceful feelings. This place seems to be a place for meditation and praying activities. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70026 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel a sudden sanctuity arround you .. ~ | S #70028 The Rahxephon Temple Square~ You find yourself in a square. Not very wide, but it spreads an aura of bravery and devotion. You can see birds on some part of the square. The Huge Temple itself lies to the south. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70026 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70059 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70065 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70055 S #70029 A strange thickering bushes~ The bushes are getting thicker and thicker. As you notice, they also absorb sounds. You feel your skin is getting itchier. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70018 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70030 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel really itchy .. mpdamage $n 10 ~ | S #70030 Lost in the bushes~ The bushes smell and thickness are beginning to make you very dizzy. The bushes forms a non significant pattern, and makes it very hard to identify your current location. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70031 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70029 S #70031 Lost in the bushes~ Another formation of thick bushes is here for your obstacles now. You can sense danger in somewhere inside this thick itchy bushes. The bushes formation still continues further east. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70032 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70030 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you can''t stand the itches caused by the bushes ... mpdamage $n 10 ~ | S #70032 A sudden thinning of the bushes~ Strangely this area seems to have less bushes than the other. You seems to be in the center of the bushes formation, but still you lost your directions here. Deep in your heart, you feel very strange being here. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70030 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70033 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70031 S #70033 Deeper in the bushes~ Itchy bushes scratch your skin as you continue your journey deeper. You can not identify your directions here. You feel scared ... ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70032 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70034 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you lost your concentration again ... mpforce $n cry mea $n your mental is not stable anymore .. ~ | S #70034 Thick bushes~ The bushes are too thick that you can not see anything clearly here. You can''t get a firm grip on your senses here. Vaguely, you can sense the path stretches to the west and south. ~ 0 1075847173 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70033 D2 ~ ~ 2048 -1 70036 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70035 S #70035 Lost in the bushes~ The mazy bushes formation is really confusing, and it''s very tiring to walk through it. The thickness has drained your energy and power. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70034 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70032 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You start to think that this is a mistake ... mpdamage $n 13 mpforce $n ouch ~ | S #70036 Out of the bushes~ The bushes formation is thinner now. You can see quite clearly here. The itches are still bothering you, but your body will adjust to it. As you walk through this thin formation you can see a path leading southeast. A clearer path. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 2048 -1 70034 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70037 > entry_prog 100~ mpforce $n phew ~ | S #70037 A stoned path~ Suddenly you find yourself on a stoned path, a neatly placed one. This path seems to lead to a huge formation of a temple. Bamboos and trees grow here along the path. You feel a little tranquil. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70036 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70038 S #70038 Nearing the Rahxephon Temple~ You can see a huge temple with it''s twin towers from here. The Temple of Rahxephon, the legendary temple of the proud fighters. The stoned path continues to the southeast. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70037 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70039 S #70039 Approaching the east wing of the Rahxephon Temple~ You are standing before the east wing of the temple Rahxephon. This part of entrance is connected with the temple''s central square. You can see some crowd to the eastern part of this entrance. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70040 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70063 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70038 S #70040 A small market~ You are standing on a small market now. You don''t see much here, but some crowds buying foods and beverages. You see a seller selling weapon in this solemn place, what a strange view. ~ 0 1075847168 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70041 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70039 S #70041 Deeper in the market~ Here you can see sellers of food and beverages. Nothing much to see in this rural market area anyway. To the south you can see a darker room, with a sign placed before it''s entrance. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70064 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70042 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70040 E sign~ TO THE SOUTH IS A ROOM WHICH YOU MUST NOT GO. MANY HAVE SUFFERED LOSS THERE. WE WON''T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DISTURBANCES CAUSED BY THAT ROOM. [admins of the Rahxephon Market] ~ S #70042 A silent corner~ This room is used as a death trap. Do you know what is a death trap ? Well .. you will, someday :) ~ 0 1075847174 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70041 S #70043 A strange silent corner~ Long ago, A mighty adventurer died here. Now, his angry spirit is looking for revenge. Beware, this spirit is naughty. He will harm you not, but may tickle you ... ~ 0 1075847172 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70016 > entry_prog 100~ mpforce $n remove all mpforce $n drop all mpdamage $n 150 mpecho _whi iiiiii aaaaammmm aaaa spiiiiirrriiiiitttt, ... mpecho _whi iiiii wiiiillllll buuuuuggggg yooouuuu .... mea $n you are really scared ... ~ | S #70044 Floating on the ice cold flow~ A solemn flow after the whirlpool is here now. You feel much much comfortable drifting in this flow. You can see beautiful trees grow in the river banks. You can hear the birds singing above you. ~ 0 1075847172 6 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70022 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70045 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel much tranquil now .. mpforce $n smile ~ | S #70045 The solemn flow continues~ You can see many forms of bamboos grow in the river banks. You can see stones placed neatly near the bamboos. You enjoy your journey on this flow of solemn water. ~ 0 1075847172 6 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70044 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70046 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel so happy .. mpforce $n sing ~ | S #70046 Drifted on ice~ The flow turns fierce again, you drift in amazing speed on this flow. You hit some river stones in your drifting. You can''t get a hold of your balance. ~ 0 1075847172 6 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70045 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70047 > entry_prog 100~ mpforce $n ouch mpdamage $n 30 ~ | S #70047 Drifted further~ Your body is smashed by the flow. You hit some more rocks, and caused severe damages to your health. Vaguely you can see dark figures watching you from the river banks. ~ 0 1075847172 6 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70046 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70048 > entry_prog 100~ mpforce $n scream mpdamage $n 15 ~ | S #70048 An end of the drift~ You arrive at a solemn pool. Strangely the fierce water flow is not here anymore. You can see flowers grow arround you, giving you an aura of beauty. ~ 0 1075847172 6 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70049 > entry_prog 100~ mpforce $n phew mpforce $n smile ~ | S #70049 A stoned path~ You arrive at a stoned path, seems to be heading to a formation of a temple. The path is arranged neatly, and apparently is a part of a large garden. You can see trees, flowers, and bamboos grow beautifully here. The path stretches to the west. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70050 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70048 S #70050 A solemn resting place~ You arrive at a solemn corner. This place is definitely used for resting, relaxing, and meditating. The sounds of birds singing above you add the sanctuity in this place. You can see a path southward. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70049 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70051 S #70051 Near the Rahxephon Temple~ This is the path that heads directly to the temple formation. Some strange stone formation is here, placed in a certain pattern. Beside you, you can see formation of bamboos, making a strange sound. This path continues southward. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70050 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70052 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70053 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you begin to feel strange again .. mpforce $n hmm mpecho ssssshhhhh ..... sssshhhhh ... ~ | S #70052 Nearing the western part of the temple~ This is the western part of the Rahxephon Temple formation. This western wing is connected to the central square of the temple. You can see the huge form of the twin towered temple from this part of entrance. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70051 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70058 S #70053 A quiet corner~ This path is intentionally left empty, and leads nowhere. Nothing of such importance can be seen here. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70066 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70051 S #70054 Floating in a void~ ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70028 S #70055 The central square~ This part contains nothing but emptiness. Some stone statues are placed here only to add some views for the dwellers. The central square continues to the west and east. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70028 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70056 S #70056 The central square~ This is the western part of the central square. You can feel the same tranquility when passing by this area. Nothing much to see here. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70055 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70057 S #70057 The western garden~ The western garden mainly consist of artistic stone formation and beautifull formation of bamboos. Flower of many kinds can bee seen here also. Wild grasses add a natural look to this tranquil garden. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70056 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70058 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You feel very tranquil here ... mpforce $n smile self ~ | S #70058 The western square~ This is the western square of the Rahxephon temple. This square is one of the three main entrances to the temple. It has been the witness of the war monks of the temple''s hard training. The square floor is made from solid granite slabs. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70057 D1 ~ ~ 7 70067 70067 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70052 S #70059 The central square~ The square''s floor is made of strange material. It is solid and unbreakable. It is the witness of the training sessions for the war monks dwell here. The square continues to the east and west. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70060 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70028 S #70060 The central square~ This part of the central square is so quiet, and apparently nothing much to see around here. The solemnity of this place has given you some kind of spirit booster. The square stretches to the east and west. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70061 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70059 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel tranquil ... ~ | S #70061 The central square~ This is the eastern part of the central temple square. This area connects with the eastern square of the temple, located south from here, after the garden. Here you can see some stone statues of ancient legendary combatants from this temple. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70062 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70060 S #70062 The eastern garden~ This is the eastern garden of the temple. It is so tranquil here. Stones are placed very neatly in a highly artistic manner, combined with the beauty of the flowers grow here, and the natural look of the grasses grow on the stone cracks. The eastern square is south from here. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70061 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70063 S #70063 The eastern square~ This is the eastern square of the great temple Rahxephon. This is one of the three main entrances to the temple. You can see some artistic brick walls arround here, and the floor is made from grantite slabs. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70062 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70039 D3 ~ ~ 7 70072 70072 S #70064 A dark market corner~ This is a quiet corner of the market place. You can see some abandoned shopping stands here. Organic trashes make this place terribly smells. Nothing much here to see. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70041 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel uncomfortable being here ... ~ | S #70065 The Central Entrance~ This is the main entrance to the worshipping hall of the temple. You can see solid walls and stone piles around here, all spread an aura of divinity. A door can be seen to the south. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70028 D2 ~ ~ 7 70078 70078 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You feel suddenly strange ... mpforce $n ouch mea $n You''re hit by a strange energy field! mpdamage $n 50 ~ | S #70066 A Hideout~ This hidden corner can be used as a hideout for brave adventurers. Only the brave will wise enough to use this place as a place for retreat. ~ 0 1075848708 3 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70053 S #70067 Western Pagoda Base Floor~ This is the basee floor for the temple''s eastern pagoda. You can see a staircase leading to the upper level of the first tower. The top level of the eastern pagoda is also connected with the top level of the western pagoda. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70078 D3 ~ ~ 7 70067 70058 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70068 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel the strange will from inside of you to go up ... mpforce $n hmm ~ | S #70068 First level of eastern pagoda~ The first floor of the eastern pagoda contains nothing but emptiness. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70069 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70067 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You can feel the voidness deep inside your heart ... mea $n maybe, this is what we all feel ... ~ | S #70069 Second level of eastern pagoda~ The second floor of the eastern pagoda contains nothing but an aura of power. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70070 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70068 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You can feel the willingness to gain more power here ... mea $n maybe, this is what we all feel ... ~ | S #70070 Third level of eastern pagoda~ The third floor of the eastern pagoda contains nothing but an aura of greed and the hunger for destruction ... ~ 0 1075847172 3 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70071 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70069 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You can not feel anything here ... mea $n but maybe, this is what we all feel ... ~ | S #70071 Fourth level of eastern pagoda~ The fourth level of the pagoda contains nothing but an aura of despair. ~ 0 1075847172 3 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70081 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70080 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70070 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You feel something familiar deep inside your heart .. ~ | S #70072 Eastern Worship Area~ This is a small area used by the lower level priests to pray. This eastern corner is small but solemn. Nothing much to see here, but some candles. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D1 ~ ~ 7 70072 70063 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70073 S #70073 Eastern Pagoda Base Floor~ This is the base floor of the western tower of the temple. You can see a spiral staircase leading up to the upper level of the western pagoda. The top level of the western pagoda is also connected with the other top level tower. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70072 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70078 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70074 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel very attracted to try to go up ... mpforce $n hmm ~ | S #70074 First level of western pagoda~ The first level of the western pagoda contains nothing but an emptiness. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70075 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70073 S #70075 Second level of western pagoda~ The second level of the western pagoda contains nothing but an aura of anger. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70076 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70074 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You wonder why is this feeling seems to be familiar ... ~ | S #70076 Third level of western pagoda~ The third level of the western pagoda contains nothing but an aura of demonic lust. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70077 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70075 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You shiver ... ~ | S #70077 Fourth level of western pagoda~ The fourth level of the western pagoda contains nothing but an aura of hatred. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70079 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70076 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You feel a burning feeling deep in your heart ... ~ | S #70078 Central Worshipping Area~ This is the central worshipping area used by monks and priests here. This room spread an aura of peace and divinity. This room connects to the higher monks worshipping center to the south. ~ 0 1075848196 0 D0 ~ ~ 7 70078 70065 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70073 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70082 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70067 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel a sudden tranquility in this holy place ... ~ | S #70079 Top level of western pagoda~ The top level of the western pagoda contains nothing but an aura of destruction. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70081 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70077 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel a sudden familiar feelings here ... mea $n maybe we all do .. ~ | S #70080 Top level of eastern pagoda~ The top level of the eastern pagoda contains nothing but an aura of nature and living. this part connects to the central area of the twin pagoda''s top floor. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70081 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70071 S #70081 The Twin Pagoda Connector~ A solemn room, a central room, a central solitude. A quiet room used for meditation for top level war monks. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70079 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70080 S #70082 A room with candles~ This room connectes the main worship area with the high monk''s place of praying. This room is full of candles. The candles spread an aura of beauty and peacefulness for everyone watching them. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70078 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70083 D5 ~ ~ 3 -1 70092 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you feel a tingle on your spine ... mpforce $n hmm ~ | S #70083 A high monk worshipping area~ This is the room where high level priests say their prayer and try to meditate, gathering knowledge from the nature. This is a solemn room indeed, but strangely you feel a bit uneasy. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70082 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70084 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70085 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you begin to sweat ... ~ | S #70084 The eastern altar~ This eastern part of the altar is used by the peacefull monks. The aura in this room is a pure white aura, mixed with the beauty of candles and aqua pool. This place looks so solemn and quiet. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70083 D8 ~ ~ 0 -1 70086 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n you admire the beauty of this solemn room mpforce $n smile self ~ | S #70085 The western altar~ The western altar is used for fighter monks to say their prayer to the almighty ruler of the universe. This room echos their prayer eventhough noone is here. A strange kind of sanctuary. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70083 D9 ~ ~ 0 -1 70087 > entry_prog 100~ mpecho _whi heaar uuuuss, .... let peace be with uuusss ... ~ | S #70086 A dark altar~ This part of the eastern altar seems to be abandoned intentionally. The furnitures have been left dusty and broken. A dark place compared to other corners of the worshiping altars. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D7 ~ ~ 0 -1 70084 D8 ~ ~ 7 70088 70088 D9 ~ ~ 3 -1 70090 > entry_prog 100~ mpdamage $n 20 mpforce $n ouch mea $n You are hit by a mysterious energy form!! ~ | S #70087 The western altar for high war monks~ This part of the western altar is provided for the higher level of war monks studying in this temple of Rahxephon. The aura in this room is so strange, valor mixed in hatred and anger. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D6 ~ ~ 0 -1 70085 D8 ~ ~ 3 -1 70091 D9 ~ ~ 3 -1 70089 S #70088 Rahxephia''s Chamber~ This lustfull room belongs to Lady Rahxephia, the fourth of the Rah Imu warmonk clan. Rahxephia is well known for her beauty, as well as her bad hobby to suck man''s soul into her neo pandora box. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D7 ~ ~ 7 70088 70086 S #70089 Rahxeru''s Chamber~ This oriental themed chamber belongs to Rahxeru. The first son of the famous warmonk clan founder, Rah Imu. Rahxeru is well known for his skill in close quarter combat. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D6 ~ ~ 3 -1 70087 S #70090 Rahxeno''s Chamber~ A quiet and solemn chamber with a theme of water world. This solemn room belongs to Rahxeno, the third son of Rah Imu, the famous warmonk legend. Rahxeno is well known for his intelligence and charisma. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D6 ~ ~ 3 -1 70086 S #70091 Rahxephim''s Chamber~ A chamber with a desert''s look and feel. You can feel the very high temperature here. Rahxephim, the second son of Rah Imu, is well known for his wizardry. ~ 0 1075847172 0 D7 ~ ~ 3 -1 70087 > entry_prog 100~ mpdamage $n 15 mea $n The hot temperature is torturing you .. ~ | S #70092 A dark decline to the dungeon~ You decline through a dark and dirty staircase leading down to the temple''s prison for traitors and evil beings. this room is dark and somewhat slippery. The staircase leads further down. ~ 0 1075847173 0 D4 ~ ~ 3 -1 70082 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70093 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You begin to sweat ... mea $n You are not feeling well here. ~ | S #70093 A narrower path to the dungeon~ The slippery staircase leads further down to the dungeon. The room is getting darker... ~ 0 1075847173 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70092 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70094 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You feel something is wrong down there ... ~ | S #70094 Before the dungeon~ This is the last room before the temple''s dungeon facilty complex. This room is darker and scarier than the other. ~ 0 1075847173 0 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70093 D5 ~ ~ 0 -1 70095 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You feel terrible being here .. mea $n you can smell some bat shit arround here .. ~ | S #70095 The temple''s dungeon entrance~ This empty and quiet room is the only entrance to the dungeon''s cells. the cell complex lies to the east from here. ~ 0 1075847173 0 D1 ~ ~ 0 -1 70096 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 70094 S #70096 Dungeon guard post~ A dark room, with a single candle as the light, used as a guard room for the cell lies to the south from here. This room is dark and scary, but somehow solemn. ~ 0 1075847173 0 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70097 D3 ~ ~ 0 -1 70095 S #70097 Nearing a dark cell~ A dark room, a connector to an unlocked cell ... ~ 0 1075847173 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70096 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 70098 > entry_prog 100~ mea $n You begin to sweat terribly ... ~ | S #70098 Rahxephon''s Cell~ This cell is used by Rahxephon, once a prince now a prisonner. He is a true prodigy of evil. One being that may not be released. The cell is full with aura of darkness. ~ 0 1075847173 0 D0 ~ ~ 0 -1 70097 S #70099 Floating in a void~ ~ 0 1075847172 3 S #70100 Last Room~ Last room ~ 0 2105348 3 S #0 #RESETS M 1 70003 1 70003 E 1 70003 1 16 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 100004 1 23 E 1 24530 1 12 E 1 5114 1 6 E 1 280 1 8 M 1 1515 26 70003 M 1 1515 26 70003 M 1 1515 26 70003 M 1 1515 26 70003 O 1 17 1 70003 M 1 10 2 70004 M 1 10 2 70004 M 1 60897 1 70006 M 1 70008 1 70008 E 1 70008 1 12 E 1 3051 1 17 E 1 14747 1 16 O 1 60503 1 70008 O 1 100021 1 70008 M 1 70010 1 70010 E 1 70010 1 17 E 1 46015 1 5 E 1 622 1 6 E 1 623 1 7 G 1 60899 1 E 1 276 1 12 E 1 15165 1 8 E 1 15178 1 9 E 1 237 1 10 G 1 70010 1 E 1 42933 1 16 D 0 70010 2 2 O 1 70011 1 70011 D 0 70012 0 2 M 1 1515 17 70013 M 1 1515 17 70013 M 1 70015 1 70015 E 1 70015 1 22 E 1 280 1 8 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 46291 1 5 E 1 60883 1 12 E 1 3012 1 16 E 1 15122 1 13 E 1 2433 1 3 E 1 25554 1 6 E 1 70040 1 18 M 1 70020 1 70020 E 1 70020 1 16 E 1 24829 1 6 E 1 24826 1 10 E 1 24856 1 8 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 15122 1 13 E 1 21076 1 5 E 1 60883 1 12 G 1 45318 1 M 1 70022 1 70022 M 1 70024 1 70024 E 1 60899 1 7 E 1 24540 1 20 E 1 5114 1 6 E 1 2423 1 8 G 1 46267 1 E 1 48504 1 13 E 1 15145 1 9 G 1 1536 1 E 1 8911 1 5 E 1 15179 1 16 E 1 4152 1 18 M 1 70027 1 70027 E 1 70027 1 12 E 1 70028 1 16 E 1 1536 1 20 E 1 70026 1 8 O 1 6102 1 70027 O 1 60503 1 70028 M 1 6103 6 70032 M 1 6103 6 70032 M 1 70034 1 70034 E 1 70034 1 16 E 1 2388 1 12 M 1 70024 2 70038 E 1 24540 1 20 E 1 4152 1 16 E 1 8911 1 5 E 1 5114 1 6 E 1 60899 1 7 E 1 21080 1 9 E 1 15179 1 18 G 1 5113 1 E 1 2423 1 8 G 1 21008 1 G 1 21008 1 G 1 60899 1 G 1 21008 1 M 1 70040 1 70040 G 1 70039 1 G 1 70040 1 E 1 70040 1 18 E 1 70039 1 16 M 1 70041 1 70041 G 1 70041 1 G 1 70042 1 M 1 70027 2 70050 E 1 70027 1 12 E 1 70028 1 16 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 1536 1 20 O 1 100021 1 70050 O 1 6102 1 70053 O 1 60503 1 70053 O 1 100021 1 70055 M 1 100026 2 70056 O 1 60503 1 70057 M 1 70058 1 70058 E 1 70058 1 16 E 1 2336 1 6 E 1 2332 1 13 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 2433 1 3 E 1 46015 1 5 E 1 7962 1 1 E 1 3012 1 18 G 1 70067 1 D 0 70058 1 2 O 1 60503 1 70060 M 1 70061 1 70061 E 1 70039 1 16 E 1 70027 1 12 E 1 70026 1 8 O 1 60503 1 70062 M 1 70063 1 70063 E 1 70062 1 16 E 1 2336 1 6 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 2332 1 13 E 1 41401 1 3 E 1 46015 1 5 G 1 70072 1 D 0 70063 3 2 M 1 70064 1 70064 E 1 8110 1 17 M 1 70065 1 70065 E 1 70065 1 16 E 1 41426 1 6 E 1 2332 1 13 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 70029 1 5 E 1 2327 1 8 E 1 70030 1 12 E 1 2322 1 17 G 1 70078 1 G 1 21008 1 G 1 60924 1 D 0 70065 2 2 M 1 70066 1 70066 E 1 5222 1 12 O 1 100021 1 70066 O 1 26539 1 70067 D 0 70067 3 2 M 1 70027 3 70068 E 1 70028 1 16 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 1536 1 20 E 1 70027 1 12 E 1 21008 1 17 M 1 70070 1 70070 E 1 70070 1 16 E 1 70071 1 12 O 1 26539 1 70072 O 1 42973 1 70072 D 0 70072 1 2 M 1 70080 3 70074 E 1 70080 1 16 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 70082 1 12 E 1 2338 1 7 M 1 70075 1 70075 E 1 70075 1 16 E 1 70071 1 12 M 1 1515 22 70076 M 1 1515 22 70076 M 1 1515 22 70076 M 1 1515 22 70076 M 1 1515 22 70076 O 1 26539 1 70078 D 0 70078 0 2 M 1 70080 2 70079 E 1 70080 1 16 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 70082 1 12 M 1 70080 3 70080 E 1 70080 1 16 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 70082 1 12 M 1 70081 1 70081 E 1 70081 1 16 E 1 70082 1 12 E 1 2836 1 7 G 1 2338 1 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 25066 1 3 E 1 24521 1 6 M 1 70082 1 70082 E 1 70082 1 12 E 1 70028 1 16 E 1 21008 1 17 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 2392 1 3 E 1 2432 1 20 D 0 70082 5 1 O 1 26539 1 70084 O 1 60503 1 70084 M 1 70086 1 70086 E 1 70086 1 16 E 1 70082 1 12 E 1 70026 1 8 E 1 2332 1 13 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 1536 1 20 E 1 70002 1 23 G 1 70088 1 D 0 70086 8 2 D 0 70086 9 1 O 1 26539 1 70087 D 0 70087 8 1 D 0 70087 9 1 M 1 70093 1 70088 E 1 70051 1 20 E 1 70050 1 14 E 1 70054 1 12 E 1 21008 1 17 E 1 70093 1 16 D 0 70088 7 2 M 1 70089 1 70089 E 1 70043 1 8 E 1 70044 1 5 E 1 70048 1 12 E 1 70097 1 16 D 0 70089 6 1 M 1 70090 1 70090 E 1 70046 1 23 E 1 70045 1 6 E 1 70048 1 12 E 1 70053 1 17 E 1 70094 1 16 G 1 21008 1 G 1 21008 1 D 0 70090 6 1 M 1 70091 1 70091 E 1 70049 1 17 E 1 70048 1 12 E 1 70047 1 7 E 1 70045 1 6 E 1 70095 1 16 D 0 70091 7 1 M 1 1515 9 70092 D 0 70092 4 1 M 1 1515 8 70093 M 1 1515 8 70093 M 1 1515 8 70093 M 1 1515 8 70093 M 1 1515 11 70094 M 1 1515 11 70094 O 1 15134 1 70094 O 1 15134 1 70095 M 1 70096 1 70096 E 1 100095 1 16 E 1 70096 1 12 E 1 2338 1 7 E 1 15165 1 8 E 1 2102 1 5 G 1 278 1 G 1 2449 1 E 1 60863 1 18 E 1 2336 1 6 E 1 12557 1 13 M 1 1515 15 70097 M 1 1515 15 70097 M 1 1515 15 70097 M 1 1515 15 70097 M 1 70098 1 70098 E 1 70098 1 16 E 1 70099 1 10 E 1 70052 1 24 E 1 21061 1 8 E 1 70048 1 12 E 1 70055 1 3 S #SHOPS 70040 5 0 0 0 0 120 90 5 23 ; Joko 70041 19 0 0 0 0 120 90 5 23 ; Frutelia 0 #REPAIRS 70066 9 5 3 10 1 0 23 ; Mpu Tantular 0 #SPECIALS M 70003 spec_fido M 70010 spec_guard M 70022 spec_breath_frost M 70034 spec_breath_any M 70058 spec_guard M 70063 spec_guard M 70064 spec_thief M 70065 spec_breath_lightning M 70075 spec_fido M 70080 spec_guard M 70081 spec_guard M 70082 spec_breath_any M 70086 spec_cast_undead M 70089 spec_breath_any M 70091 spec_cast_mage M 70093 spec_fido M 70096 spec_guard S #$